ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

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    15 December 2020, Volume 39 Issue 12 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study on the construction of emergency support ability of forest fire brigade
    QIAN Zu-qiao
    2020, 39 (12):  1619-1621. 
    Abstract ( 2881 )  

    Emergency support plays an important part in comprehensive emergency rescue, its capacity affects the switch speed of peacetime and wartime and the success or failure of the tasks directly. The overall idea of emergency support capacity construction is put forward systematically. The specific measures and main working points of strengthening the construction of emergency support capacity in a systematic way were discussed.

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    Real fire simulation system design of technical and tactical training system for forest fire fighting
    GUO Zan-quan, WANG Pei, SHI Kuan
    2020, 39 (12):  1622-1625. 
    Abstract ( 2674 )  

    Started from the technical and tactical requirements of the team (group) in forest fire fighting, this paper designed and developed a set of real fire simulation training system of forest fire fighting, which can realize the integration of forest fire simulation and real fire combustion, so as to build an approximate real simulation training environment for fire rescue personnel to carry out targeted training. Contained with a simulation combustion system, a training area and a control center,and equipped with the training modules of the main fire- fighting techniques in practical application, such as climbing over steep slope, chasing and attacking fire head, encircle tactics,breaking through fire line, blocking and cleaning fire lines, the system achieved training needs of "energy- saving, environmental protection, intelligent, controllable, safe, efficient", and created an approximate real training environment for the forest fire team (group) technical and tactical training.

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    Study on environmental characteristics of high voltage line trip caused by mountain fire in Guangxi region
    HE Cheng, SHU Li-fu, LIU Ke-zhen, ZHOU Sheng-rui
    2020, 39 (12):  1626-1629. 
    Abstract ( 1917 )  

    Conducted a number of analyses on the statistical data from the Transmission Departments of China Southern Power Grid in 2006-2010 years, to verify the environmental distinction in which some transmission lines could be tripped by the wildfires,for example, landform, combustible, fire spread, so that we can make a better control and prevention. In this study, taking Guangxi province as an object, the effect on wildfires from climates was demonstrated by the monthly conventional meteorological data in the areas, where average temperature, precipitation, minimum relative humidity and forest fires between 1999 and 2004 would be covered. The results showed that the forest fires in Guangxi Province mainly occurred in winter and spring,which accounted for 37.4% and 37.0%, respectively. Few firesoccurred in summer; The proporion of burned area was the highest,accounting for 46.8%, followed by spring, accounting for 33.7% . More fires were recorded in Baise, Liuzhou and Wuzhou,where the transmission line trips caused by wildfires were 9.2%, 12.5% and 4.7%, respectively, and where the vegetation type mostly occurring in the weeds, pine and fir trees with DBH of 0.02~0.45 m (mostly were over 0.1m) and height of 2.0~23.0 m (mostly were 5.0~10.0 m), that were ranged from 3 years to 21 years old. The power trips places were on sunny slopes with a gradient of 16°~80°, of which in the mild slope of <30° and in the steep slope bewteen 30°~60° occurred 56% and 36%, respectively.The fire styles causing trips were those surface fires and crown fires, with spread speed of over 2.1 m/min, flame height of over 1.5 m, and fire intensity of over 750 W/m2. As the results indicate, it is suggested that the areas prone to fire should be early warned, monitored and managed to prevent power cuts and people security from the wildfires. It can provide scientific and theoretical criteria and practical assessment method for establishing relevant exploitation scheme and efficient fire prevention measures.

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    Effect of white carbon black on main properties of silicone rubber
    ZHU Hai-Bo, SHANG Ke, LIN Gui-De, ZHAO Bi, YANG Jin-Jun, WANG Jun-Sheng
    2020, 39 (12):  1630-1634. 
    Abstract ( 2200 )  

    The effects of silica on mechanical properties, flame retardancy, thermal stability and combustion properties of silicone rubber/silica composites were studied by means of electronic universal testing machine, limiting oxygen index, vertical combustion instrument, synchronous thermal analyzer and cone calorimeter. The results show that the mechanical properties of the composite could be improved significantly with the addition of silica, and the mechanical properties of the composites reach the best while the loading of silica is 40 phrs, the tensile strength is 9.35 MPa, the elongation at break is 614.7%. The flame retardancy of the composites increase with the increase of the addition of silica, and the value of limiting oxygen index of the composite can reach 25.0% while the loading of silica is 50 phrs. The thermal stability of silicone rubber/silica composites are improved significantly with the addition of silica, the initial thermal decomposition temperature and the residual at high temperature of silicone rubber/silica composite with 40 phrs silica are 495.4 ℃ and 31.4%, respectively. The heat release rate, total heat release, total smoke production and carbon dioxide generation of silicone rubber/silica composites are reduced effectively by adding silica, which suggests silica has good flame retardancy and smoke suppression effect on silicone rubber.

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    Experimental study on the influence of inert powder on aluminum dust layer
    XIE Peng, LV Peng-fei,
    2020, 39 (12):  1634-1637. 
    Abstract ( 1887 )  

    Through building a numerical model for the ignition and combustion of aluminum dust layer bottom board under the heating condition, the ignition combustion law of aluminum dust layer was explored. Meanwhile, combining with the principle of inertia of calcium carbonate, the experiment on the lowest ignition temperature of aluminum dust layer under the inerting condition of calcium carbonate powder was conducted. The results indicate that the ignition of aluminum dust is characterized by high heating temperature and large combustion temperature ,and calcium carbonate can effectively improve the ignition temperature of aluminum dust. Meanwhile, the smaller the particle size is and the greater the concentration of calcium carbonate powder are, the more significant the inerting effect on the aluminum dust layer will be.

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    Study on combustion performance of blended carpet under dry and wet conditions
    ZHANG Long-long, LU Li-hong, QIAN Xiao-dong, HE Yu-sheng
    2020, 39 (12):  1638-1640. 
    Abstract ( 1836 )  

    In order to study the effect of automatic sprinkler system on the combustion performance of floor covering materials in the early stage of fire, this paper used Fire Propagation Apparatus (FPA) to study the effect of water on the combustion performance of blended carpet in dry state, 50% moisture content state and full immersion state. The results showed that with the increase of moisture content, the ignition time of blended carpet increased, and the blended carpet with high moisture content was not easy to be ignited; The peak heat release rate in the water- containing condition was larger than that in the dry condition, the fire scale was larger, the total heat release in the flame combustion duration was smaller; Under the condition of water content, the peak value of the total smoke production and its components appears later.

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    Experimental study on the pyrolysis characteristics and kinetics of asphalt under poor oxygen concentrations
    YUE Hai-ling
    2020, 39 (12):  1641-1644. 
    Abstract ( 1835 )  
    Most of the pyrolysis and combustion of asphalt is under the oxygen-poor environment during tunnel fire. In order to study the effects of ambient oxygen concentration on asphalt under real fire, the pyrolysis kinetic characteristics of 10# asphalt under different oxygen volume concentrations (0, 7% , 15% ,21% ) were investigated by thermogravimetric (TG) analysis.The pyrolysis process of asphalt under different oxygen concentration was studied, and the kinetic analysis was performed. Results showed that there is only one main weight-loss stage in the pyrolysis process of asphalt in the atmosphere of 0% (N2) oxygen concentration, and the ratio of residual mass is the highest.Presence of oxygen in the atmosphere change the weight- loss stagefrom one to three, and the ratio of residual mass is less than 10%. With the increase of oxygen concentration, the initial decomposition temperature of asphalt and the pyrolysis speed increases, the weight- loss rate in the high- temperature section accelerates, while the activation energy in the low- temperature section decreases. The reaction process basically consistent with the diffusion model. The activation energy in high-temperature section is the highest at 21% oxygen concentration, and the reaction model changes from the diffusion model when the oxygen is poor to the three-stage simple model.
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    Experimental study on the fire combustion characteristcs of small-scale transformer oil pool fire
    GUO Wang-yong, LUO Jian-fei, WEI Xu, DENG Jie-qing, CHEN Peng
    2020, 39 (12):  1645-1648. 
    Abstract ( 2064 )  

    The experiments of transformer oil pool fire in circular pans with a diameter of 20 cm to 50 cm were conducted. The combustion characteristics such as flame shape, burning rate and flame temperature were measured and studied. The results showed that the combustion process of transformer oil can be divided into three stages, the duration of stable combustion stage is the longest, and the extinction stage is obviously shorter than initial combustion stage. In terms of burning rate, larger diameter of transformer oil pool fire would cause the faster burning rate, shorter combustion time, and faster drop of level height.The burning rate per unit area is in good consistence with classical radiation model. The burning rate and the pool diameter present a power function. In terms of flame temperature, the flame temperature is decreasing gradually from bottom to top,and the maximum value is about 700~800 ℃. The scale has little effect on the maximum temperature.

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    Study on flame pulsation frequency of n-heptane pool fire in enclosed space
    NIE Lei
    2020, 39 (12):  1649-1651. 
    Abstract ( 1838 )  
    By using the principle of photodiode receiving the radiant light intensity of flame and converting the optical signal into electrical signal, the change of flame intensity and pulsation frequency of n-heptane oil pool fire with time in confined space was studied. Results: Within a certain period of time, after the n-heptane oil tank fire was ignited, the combustion intensity of the oil tank fire increases rapidly due to the sufficient oxygen in the restricted space for a certain period of time. When it reaches a certain time and intensity, the flame intensity begins to weaken gradually due to the reduction of fuel and insufficient oxygen in the restricted space.It was observed from the experiment that in the early stage of oil tank fire combustion, the flame did not fluctuate. After burning for a period of time, the oxygen supply in the restricted space was insufficient, and the outside world needed to provide oxygen. The flame began to fluctuate, and the flame pulsation frequency increased rapidly, reaching a maximum of about 1.5 Hz, the fitting result of flame pulsation frequency and oil pan diameter is f=1.06D- 0.5. In this paper, the low cost photodiode is used to monitor the flame pulsation frequency of oil pool in restricted space, which is beneficial to the development of fire detection technology in restricted space.
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    Smoke movement in single-story large space with underfloor heating
    ZHANG Miao, LI Pu
    2020, 39 (12):  1652-1656. 
    Abstract ( 1815 )  

    A small-scale facility was designed to carry out experiments to investigate the ascending smoke movement in singlestory large space with radiant floor heating. Experimental conditions were simulated by FDS, and the so- obtained results was used to verify the validity of FDS. simulations were performed to illustrate the smoke movement of real fire scene in large space using radiant floor heating, and main factors affecting smoke movement and control measures were studied. Study shows that the gases in enclosures with radiant floor heating are unstable. The finding shows that the underfloor heating could speed up the velocity of both the ascending gas and the ceiling jet.

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    Experimental study on compressive strength of high-strength concrete after exposure to high temperature and water cooling by rebound method
    CHEN Zong-ping., LIAO Hao-yu, ZHOU ji, LI Sen-yuan
    2020, 39 (12):  1657-1662. 
    Abstract ( 1866 )  

    In order to study the correlation between rebound value and axial compression performance of high- strength concrete after being exposed to high temperatures and water cooling,a total of 117 concrete prismatic blocks were designed for rebound detection and axial compression test with the highest temperature, constant temperature time, and concrete strength grade as parameters. The influence of various change parameters on the rebound value and the axial compressive strength were analyzed. The relationship of concrete strength and rebound value after exposure to high temperature and water cooling was fitted by formula based on the relevant specification and measured data. The results showed that: before 400 ℃ ,some rebound values and compressive strength increase, and after 600 ℃ , both of them drop sharply. When the temperature is constant for 1.0 h and the temperature exceeds 600 ℃ , the rebound value and compressive strength decay the most. At 200 ℃ and 800 ℃, the concrete strength grade has the most significant impact on the rebound value and compressive strength.In general, changes in various parameters have a greater impact on compressive strength. The calculated value of the formula obtained by the quadratic polynomial fitting meets the requirements of the specification, and can reflect the relationship between the rebound value and compressive strength after exposure to high temperatures and water cooling.

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    Experimental study on fire protection of perimeter fire barrier of glass curtain walls with fire suppression both activated and inactivated
    PENG Lei, YANG Kai-qi, HU Yan-xiang
    2020, 39 (12):  1662-1667. 
    Abstract ( 1976 )  

    A 6- story curtain wall fire test platform was built with fabricated steel structure frame. Full- scale experimental studies were carried out to investigate the performance of perimeter fire barrier of glass curtain wall exposed to real- scale fires with fire suppression system both activated and inactivated.Test results showed that when the fire suppression system was uninstalled (or inactivated), the outer laminated glazing panels of the fire room were broken at about 20~23 min, and the temperature at the bottom level of the outer layer of glazing in the upper room reached at about 700 ℃ . The high temperature resulted in outer layer of vision panels of the upper room had some cracks, but the panels did not break and fall out. No flame and hot smoke entered the upper room, which indicated that the perimeter fire barrier between facade and floor could successfully prevent fire spread along the curtain wall and through the gaps. A pendent sprinkler was set 0.9 m away from the curtain wall, for the test scenarios when automatic sprinkler system was activated automatically or manually, the fire near the facade in the burning room was successfully suppressed, and the glazing and aluminum frames were protected. The glazing within the fire room did not break completely or fall out, and the fire did not spread to the upper rooms through the floor perimeter.

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    Discussion on early warning means of building structure collapse under fire and application of Interferometric Radar
    YIN Liang, KAN Qiang, FAN Feng, YE Ji-hong
    2020, 39 (12):  1668-1671. 
    Abstract ( 1957 )  

    The research on the early warning means of collapseof building structure in fire accidents is an urgent need for currentbuilding fire extinguishing and rescue.The author combedand analyzed the characteristics of the proposed collapse warning means, pointed out their advantages and disadvantages,emphaticallyaddressed the application of Interferometric Radar,and tested the performance of radar waves penetrating localizedfire plumes in large space.The results indicate that: the currentearly warning means are mainly focused on "single point detection",and the application in some typical building fires is limited;the interference radar wave is basically not influenced by theflame of oil pan, and the total error of device is in the submillimeterlevel, but attention should be paid to distinguish the deformationcaused by some non- structural elements.It is suggestedthat the method of obtaining the spatial coordinates of key memberthrough the combined use of multiple radars should be improved,and the early warning device and algorithm based on regionaldetection should be built, and the deformation monitoringmeans for the whole life cycle of important buildings should be developed.

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    Study on the critical velocity of smoke exhaust in a Y-shaped tunnel fire
    HOU Li-xun, XIE En, TAO Hao-wen, XU Zhi-sheng
    2020, 39 (12):  1671-1675. 
    Abstract ( 1890 )  

    In order to reveal the critical velocity in an underground interchange tunnel with the longitudinal ventilation, two types of Y- shaped tunnels, the merging type and the diverging type, were studied. 30 MW heat release rate was setted,and the critical velocity in each ramp of Y- shaped tunnels was compared with the normal single-slope tunnel. In addition, the longitudinal temperature distribution at 2 m and 6.2 m in the ramp was analyzed. The results showed that, in the unfired ramp of the Y-shaped tunnel, the critical velocity is equivalent to the theoretical value of critical ventilation in the single- slope tunnel. For the fired ramp, the critical velocity of the merging type is less than the theoretical value, on the contrary, the critical velocity of the diverging type is greater than the theoretical value in the single-slope tunnel.  

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    Simulation study on the effect of additional combined baffle under the smoke exhaust port on smoke exhaust of tunnel fire
    JI Jing-wei, LU Wen, LI Fu-qing, CAO Yin, WU Tong,
    2020, 39 (12):  1676-1679. 
    Abstract ( 1860 )  

    Single hole tunnel model was established and the influence of the combined baffles on the mechanical exhaust of the tunnel was analyzed by FDS.The results showed that compare to the normal smoke exhaust port, the installation of combined baffles can effectively improve the mechanical exhaust efficiency of the tunnel, improve the distribution of the gas pressure field at the exhaust vent, reduce the vertical exhaust air velocity, and increase the horizontal smoke exhaust wind speed, thereby reducing the probability of occurrence of plug-holing. Through simulation verification, it is found that the height of the combined baffles is an important factor affecting the occurrence of plug-holing. The combined baffles will make the thickness of the smoke layer in front of the smoke exhaust port smaller, and the plug-holing will occur when the thickness of the smoke layer is less than the height of the baffle. By comparing the simulation results of the baffle heights of 50, 65, 80, 95, 110 cm, it is found that the flue gas concentration at the exhaust vent is the highest when H=50 cm, the smoke exhaust per unit time is the largest, and the smoke exhaust effect is the best.  

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    Study on the influence of smoke spreading on fire detection in atrium space
    MA Wei-ming, XU Lei
    2020, 39 (12):  1680-1683. 
    Abstract ( 1852 )  

    Mathematical simulation is carried out to study the fire smoke spreading and detection process of atrium with different ceiling heights. The temperature near the ceiling and visibility cloud chart are studied. The parameters curve features of linear beam smoke detection, extinction coefficient, and temperature with different ceiling height are analyzed.Results showed that, when the time of extinction rate near the ceiling reaching 50%/m and the ceiling height have good functional relation of y=26.58 × 1.06x, R=0.996; when the ceiling height is not less than 30 m, arrange the linear beam fire detector vertically is a good choice. The study can provide technical reference for the fire design of atrium and the arrangement of fire alarm system, and improve the building fire safety level.  

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    Study on evacuation from highway tunnel fire based on FDS
    ZHAO Wen-zhong , LUO Yu, Rong Xian,
    2020, 39 (12):  1683-1687. 
    Abstract ( 1879 )  

    Due to the narrow and closed tubular space structure of highway tunnel, once there is a fire caused by traffic accidents, it will pose a serious threat to the safety of people in the tunnel. Based on FDS software,the changes of temperature, CO concentration and visibility in the tunnel under different fire scenarios were analyzed. Pathfinder software was used to simulate the evacuation process under different vehicle congestion density, evacuation direction and evacuation number, and the evacuation time as well as its influencing factors were analyzed. Through the study, the law of smoke diffusion under different fire scenarios is obtained, and the safety of evacuation is judged and evaluated.  

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    Simulation and experimental study on fire behavior in super large square building
    LI Ying, ZHANG Nian-li, YANG Li, REN Kai, ZHANG Ying
    2020, 39 (12):  1688-1692. 
    Abstract ( 1873 )  
    Aiming at the fire safety of the super large square space, by experiment and simulation, the detail was researched with respect to temperature distribution, smoke deposition, oxygen concentration, etc. when a fire occurred in such a space. The research showed that, when fire occurred, the smoke had the phenomena like"stratification", "ceiling jet" and "wall jet". The temperature-distribution in the field had three gradients of high, medium and low, and the maximum and medium temperature would surpass the human tolerance in 300 seconds. The smoke would stay temporarily at a certain height from the ground during the descent. At the same time, after the smoke reaehed the ground, the combustibles will continue to burn in oxygencon centration of about 16%~18% for a long time, and the lowest oxygen concentration wouldn't appear near the fire source, but is most likely to occur at the bottom of the wall which is far away from the fire source.
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    Fire safety assessment for shopping mall based on uncertainty measurement
    ZHANG Ai-ran, YAO You-li, JIANG Yu-ting, LIU yong-bo
    2020, 39 (12):  1693-1696. 
    Abstract ( 1822 )  

    Based on the uncertain characteristic of the fire occurrence, development and fire loss, a multi- factor evaluation system including 4 units and 27 factors was established to prevent and control fire in shopping malls, and improve the safety management. The indexes not be able to use absolute value directly were transformed. An evaluation model was established according to the analytic hierarchy process and the uncertainty measurement theory. Taking a shopping mall in Datong, Yun'gang as an example, the result showed that its safety level was "relatively safe", which was consistent with the actual situation. This indicated that the model was effective, the management recommendations were very specific. The model can be used to evaluate the fire safety of the shopping malls of the district, and provide scientific support and method for their fire safety management.  

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    Numerical simulation of propagation characteristics of coal dust explosion in diagonal space
    LIU Tian-qi, CAI Zhi-xin, QU Fang, WANG Xiao, WANG Ning
    2020, 39 (12):  1697-1670. 
    Abstract ( 1845 )  
    In order to study the propagation characteristics of coal dust explosion in the diagonal joint network, CFD was used to simulate the coal dust flame, impact airflow and pressure propagation characteristics of the diagonal joint space. The results show that the explosion reaction tends to be sufficient at 1 s after the coal dust explosion. At this time, the diagonal branch meets the high temperature flame in the ascending space, forming a local high turbulence, and the maximum temperature of the entire space rises to 3 100 K. When the explosion reaction is sufficient, the flame temperature first decreases and then increases in the ascending space. When the explosion reaction is sufficient, the impinging airflow on the z=1.5 m cross section of the breathing zone will be accelerated three times of the airflow at the L- turn near the beginning of the pipeline, at the junction of the upward pipeline and the diagonal joint, and at the T-junction at the end of the pipeline. The local maximum value of the velocity of the impinging airflow at the L-shaped split is as high as 77 m/s. When the explosion reaction is sufficient, the pressure is generally reduced along the direction of the explosion, but the pressure at the junction of the upstream pipe and the diagonal branch is significantly increased. The pressure value at the junction of diagonal joint branch and the upward pipeline is 0.034 MPa greater than the pressure at the junction of the downstream pipeline, which proves that the pressure wave flows from the downward pipeline through the diagonal branch and then passes through the upward pipeline.
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    Design and implementation of simulation training system for chemical detection based on unreal engine
    LIU Chang, JIN Xue-sheng, XIAO Lei
    2020, 39 (12):  1701-1704. 
    Abstract ( 1855 )  
    The traditional training methods of emergency detection on the scene of chemical accident usually provides equipment use training and inspection operation process training for firefighters with detection equipment, but there are some problems in the actual training, such as insufficient equipment, expensive consumables and difficult to set up training fields. In view of the actual demand, research on chemical detection simulation training system was carried out. The system mainly consists of three modules: chemical detection information base, instrument training and actual combat training. The system framework, main function structure of each model and the implementation techique were introduced. The system enables the trainees to master the operation methods of various chemical detection and detection instruments and the specific procedures of chemical detection, so as to improve the ability of the fire rescue teams to detect chemical accidents at the scene.
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    Research on directional evacuation technology based on acoustic indication
    DONG Wen-hui, YU Chun-yu, XU Lei
    2020, 39 (12):  1705-1708. 
    Abstract ( 1815 )  

    In order to overcome the limitation that evacuation signs rely on visual information only, sound guidance technology based on audio information was introduced as an effective supplement to evacuation signs. The working principle of sound guidance technology was introduced, sound localization experimental system was established and experimental research was carried out. The compatibility of sound guiding device and audio alarm equipment was analyzed. The positioning accuracy of sound guided evacuation device was tested. The results showed that the sound guide device can work with the audio alarm device at the same time, and can reduce the evacuation time obviously. It's helpful for finding the right evacuation passage and safe exit quickly.  

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    Simulation and experimental study on rotary core atomizing nozzle
    XIAN Xue-lei, MA Jian-qin, DONG Hai-bin, LIU Lian-xi, SHENG Yan-feng, LING Zong-yu
    2020, 39 (12):  1709-1712. 
    Abstract ( 1818 )  

    In order to study the spraying characteristics of a single- hole rotary core atomizing nozzle, the flow field and outflow field of the single-hole rotary core atomizing nozzle were simulated by establishing the numerical model, and the atomizing mechanism of the internal flow field and the distribution characteristics of the droplets in the outflow field were analyzed. The accuracy of the simulation was verified combining with the actual spraying. The results showed that the liquid discharge velocity can be greatly increased during the discharge process of the rotary core nozzle, and a hole can be formed at the nozzle, which can significantly improve the atomization efficiency. At low pressure, the nozzle can atomize water with a particle size of no more than 80 μm with uniform particle size distribution.  

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    Research on UAV forest fire recognition based on O-YOLOv3
    YIN Jian-ping, ZENG Mei-lin, XU Wen-lei, XIONG Qiang-qiang, LI Ke,
    2020, 39 (12):  1713-1717. 
    Abstract ( 2019 )  

    To solve the problems of high false alarm rate and slow response speed in traditional forest fire detection, it is proposed to use UAV as the detection platform and ground station as the fire identification system to realize the automatic detection, identification and location of forest fires. First, a six- rotor UAV platform was developed to obtain forest fire scene images through the mounted infrared camera and onboard computer and transmit them back to the ground in real time. Secondly, the ground station was used to process the received fire images to achieve forest fire online monitoring of fire sites. In terms of forest fire recognition algorithm, the O- YOLOv3 algorithm is proposed, the Darknet framework is used for network training, and the K-means method is used to automatically generate anchor points, which effectively improves the accuracy and response speed of fire recognition. Finally, the O-YOLOv3 algorithm is compared with several other algorithms to verify the effectiveness of this algorithm. Experimental results show that: OYOLOv3 fire identification algorithm can quickly and accurately identify forest fires.The developed UAV forest fire detection system based on O-YOLOv3 can be used for actual forest fire detection.  

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    Automatic impact test device for operating mechanism of portable fire extinguisher
    WU Guo-an
    2020, 39 (12):  1717-1719. 
    Abstract ( 1875 )  

    In this paper, the existing problems in the detection process of the impact test of portable fire extinguishers are comprehensively summarized and analyzed. Combined with the requirements of the national standard for the impact test of the fire extinguisher operating mechanism, a set of impact test device is designed by using the advanced PLC control system, three jaw self- centring chucks and other mechatronics integration technologies. The device realizes the full-automatic impact test on the operating mechanism of the portable fire extinguisher. Actual usage indicates that the device is safer, improves the accuracy of the test effectively, and reduces the labor intensity.  

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    Exploratory experimental study on thermal stability of foam
    WU Jing-feng, TAN Long-mei, ZHOU Ri-feng, LANG Xu-qing, SHANG Zu-zheng, MOU Xiao-dong, JIAO Jin-qing
    2020, 39 (12):  1720-1722. 
    Abstract ( 1801 )  

    By observing the change of foam state and oil temperature on hot oil surface, the influence factors of foam thermal stability and foam performance on oil temperature were studied. The test proves that the temperature of the oil determines the thermal stability of the foam. The critical oil temperature at which the foam stays on the oil is 125 ℃; when the oil temperature is higher than 125 ℃, as the oil temperature increases, the foam disappears faster and faster. The decrease rate of oil temperature is related to the temperature of oil, the foam drainage rate, and the viscosity of oil, but has nothing to do with the foam expansion ratio. The higher the oil temperature, the faster the foam drainage rate and the lower the viscosity of the oil, the faster the decrease rate of the oil temperature  

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    Analysis of temperature field of steel plate protected by spray coating
    QU Yi-ming, XIANG Kai, PAN Yan-chong, LIN Gui-de
    2020, 39 (12):  1723-1726. 
    Abstract ( 1848 )  

    In order to clarify thermal insulation performance of spray coating, the finite element method was used to analyze the temperature field of steel plate protected by spray coating under standard heating curve. The temperature field test of steel plate protected by spray coating was carried out. The main thermal parameters of spray coating were analyzed by using the finite element model verified by experiments. The research results showed that the established finite element model can well simulate the change of temperature field of steel plate protected by spray coating. Thermal conductivity is the most important thermal parameter affecting the thermal insulation performance of spray coating. Density and specific heat has limited influence on the thermal insulation performance of spray coating.  

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    Fire prediction method based on adaptive ensemble neural network
    LI Jun, ZHANG Zhi-dong, QIAO Yuan-jian, GAO He
    2020, 39 (12):  1727-1731. 
    Abstract ( 1843 )  

    Aiming at the problems of false alarm and missing alarm in traditional fire prediction methods, a fire prediction method based on adaptive integrated neural network is proposed. Firstly, the rate detection algorithm is used in the information layer to input the singular data detected by different types of sensors into the network model. Secondly, in the feature layer, the long- term memory network (LSTM) and radial basis function feed forward neural network (RBF-BPNN) are used to build an integrated network to learn the fire characteristics under different input parameters. Finally, the fuzzy logic control system is designed at the decision-making level to infer and output the fire alarm level. Experimental results show that this method has higher prediction accuracy.  

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    Research on community fire risk intelligent perception and early warning system driven by big data
    YAN Jia-wei, ZHANG Miao
    2020, 39 (12):  1731-1734. 
    Abstract ( 1876 )  

    Through the analysis of the current situation of fire safety management in the communities, the main hidden fire hazard is clarified to be the lack of prevention and control of fire. From the angle of fire safety, it is suggested to compromise technology of big data, Internet of things, cloud computing, fog computing, study the key technology of community fire risk intelligent perception and early warning, create the man- machinethings- environment harmony community fire risk assessment system, conduct the community fire risk perception and warning data algorithm research, set up the community fire risk intelligent perception and warning platform, and finally realize community fire safety intelligent control.  

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    Research on fire classification based on machine learning
    WANG Zhan, ZHU Guo-qing, CHAI Guo-qiang, YAO Bin,
    2020, 39 (12):  1735-1739. 
    Abstract ( 1919 )  
    In order to explore the relationship between the fire severity and the response time of fire brigades, the number of rescuers, the location of fires, the operation of fire detectors and the sprinkler system, etc., random forest, artificial neural network, support vector machine and extreme learning machine are used to classify and analyze the historical fire data of San Francisco, USA. Fuzzy theory is used to convert the response time of the fire brigade and the number of rescuers into triangular fuzzy numbers and a fire classification method based on fuzzy reasoning and data analysis is proposed. The research finds that the accuracy of the four algorithms exceeds 90% and the reli ability of these algorithms is proved by cross- validation. Among the four algorithms, the accuracy and kappa value of the random forest are higher than other algorithms, but the AUC value of the third fire type in the random forest algorithm is the smallest. 
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    Study on the construction of "smart fire"model based on NB-IoT
    ZHANG Zhen-guo
    2020, 39 (12):  1739-1742. 
    Abstract ( 1893 )  

    In order to solve the problems of "smart fire" construction, such as the types of hardware accessed in the sensing layer are limited, accessing technology is poor, the application of NB- IoT in "smart fire" construction is discussed. A 3- layer model of "smart fire" construction is proposed. The NB-IoT terminal is acquisition layer. The public IoT, big data, cloud computing, blockchain and artificial intelligence are network layer. The fire risk judgement, information management of fire supervision, independent management of social units, digital management of fire facilities and intelligent firefighting and rescue are application layer. The model can improve the modernization, informationization and intellectualization of social fire safety management.  

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    Discussion on the technology of fire risk forecast driven by big data
    DING Shi-yi, YANG Han
    2020, 39 (12):  1743-1746. 
    Abstract ( 1867 )  

    The technology of fire risk forecast driven by big data has been applied in many field. Compare and analyze the mature fire risk forecast system in other countries and the preliminary developed system in China, the common problems during the technical development and the disadvantage at this stage are pointed out, and solutions are suggested, to provide guide for the development of China's fire risk forecast.  

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    Research and application of residual network model based on artificial intelligence for smoke detection
    CHEN Zhao-hui, CHEN Zhi-yu
    2020, 39 (12):  1747-1750. 
    Abstract ( 1799 )  
    The traditional fire detection system used on portable devices consumes a lot of memory, is vulnerable to the environment, and the accuracy needs to be improved. We propose a fire detection system with a small memory footprint and excellent performance. Using the FireNet neural network we designed to embed in portable hardware products, we tested it on a public data set. Compared with other traditional methods, the test results have significantly improved the accuracy and speed.
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    Application of Internet of Vehicles technology in fire protection
    LU Cheng, LI Zhi-hui
    2020, 39 (12):  1751-1754. 
    Abstract ( 1946 )  
    The Internet of Vehicles technology clarifies the interconnection of vehicles, roads, cities and people, and plays an important role in preventing urban traffic jams, driving safety, energy saving, emission reduction, and auxiliary traffic management. The integration of Internet of vehicles technology in fire vehicles can effectively improve the firefighting force's combat effectiveness, intelligent management level, and precise and efficient disposal capabilities. This article introduces the basic concepts and key technologies of the Internet of Vehicles. At the same time, it focuses on the application and development trend of Internet of Vehicles technology in the field of fire protection, designs the application model of Internet of Vehicles system for fire protection, and explains the important role of Internet of Vehicles technology for the development and construction of fire vehicle network system.
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    Analysis and discussion on the weak areas of fire hazard investigation based on GIS
    WANG Xian-zhong, YANG Yang, QIU Jun-ru
    2020, 39 (12):  1755-1758. 
    Abstract ( 1815 )  
    Combined with the situation of Jiangsu Fire and Rescue Brigade, comprehensively use GIS, data warehouse, search engine and algorithm, combined with the fire hazard investigation data, fire data, unit data as well as time and space data, study the relationship and its laws of fire hazard investigation and fire accident, put forward the calculation methods of multiple data in space analysis algorithm, and build the model of analyzing weak areas of fire hazard investigation based on GIS, which can provide guide for area fire supervision.
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    Design of emergency rescue command training system based on virtual reality
    TANG Hua-qing
    2020, 39 (12):  1758-1761. 
    Abstract ( 1844 )  

    In order to further improve the command ability of the emergency rescue commander, based on the analysis of the command and training elements such as group trainer, trainee, training content, training method, training environment and the relationship between them, this paper expounds the operation process of virtual combat environment, immersive situation, motion capture and training effect feedback from the perspective of the composition of the emergency rescue command and training system. The simulation command training function module, which consists of command and control, emergency command and control, operation execution, evaluation and system management, is obtained, which has certain guiding value for further development and implementation of the system.  

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    Revelation of international Halon Bank on China's national Halon management and recycling system
    LI Si-cheng, BI Shao-ying
    2020, 39 (12):  1762-1765. 
    Abstract ( 1878 )  

    Halon fire extinguishing agent was gradually phased out since 1990s in worldwide. Many developed countries have established Halon Banks to recycle, store and manage Halon products to maintain their fire-fighting ability in important fields such as national defense, civil aviation, energy storage. The article introduced some developed international Halon Banks and China's National Halon Management and Recycling System (NHRMC). After reviewing and analyzing international Halon Bank modes, this paper summarized experiences about sustainable operation of Halon Bank and put forward proposals on improving operation of NHRMC.  

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    Research on optimization method of indoor fire rescue path
    XU Zi-ao, WANG Jia, ZHOU Xiao-ping, LU Yi-xin
    2020, 39 (12):  1766-1769. 
    Abstract ( 1873 )  

    In building fire rescue, the existing building internal path is mostly the shortest , which is difficult to realize the indoor path planning for different rescue needs. The paper puts forward an indoor fire rescue path optimization method based on BIM . The fire rescue model is established by BIM Technology, and the three-dimensional indoor road network is constructed in the model to give different attribute weights to different road network nodes. Combined with path generation algorithm and path optimization rules, the safest path and the optimal firefighting path are added on the basis of the shortest path. The fire rescue route is more optional and the fire command is more convenient.  

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    Study on the application of neural network on transformer substation fire management
    LI Fu-qiang, QU Hang, XU Ning-yi, ZHU Wen-chao
    2020, 39 (12):  1770-1772. 
    Abstract ( 1747 )  

    In order to improve the fire management of transformer substation, the video and image flame feature extraction and identification are achieved. The stream data of video surveillance is accessed. The flame identification model based on convolution neural network is built. The flame features are real time identified, and early warning and forecast are performed. Experiments showed that, the method can extract the flame feature automatically, and efficiently improve the accuracy of flame identification with complex background, with good robustness and generalization ability, and have great application prospect in the fire management of transformer substation.  

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    Study on the responsibility boundaries of multiple supervision on grassroot fire and rescue departments
    WANG Xiao-feng, WANG Yi-ting
    2020, 39 (12):  1773-1775. 
    Abstract ( 1848 )  

    In the context of socialized fire protection, a pattern of joint supervision by multiple departments has taken shape. The article discussed the power checklist and matter checklist of some related departments. The power checklist defined the scope of the responsibilities of those department,while the matter checklist defined the depth of their responsibilities. The two "checklists" jointly clarified the responsibility boundaries of their supervision activities. By strengthening the supporting laws and regulations and the sharing of information among the related departments, mutual contacts and duty performing abilities of the related departments would hopefully be improved.  

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