ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

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    15 January 2024, Volume 43 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Study on discharge characteristics of compressed air foam nozzle in super high-rise buildings
    Chen Tao, Qin Guoyang, Zhang Peng, Wang Yuwei,
    2024, 43 (1):  1-4. 
    Abstract ( 647 )  
    To establish the key performance parameters and evaluate the fire extinguishing ability of compressed air foam fire extinguishing system in super high?rise building, the compressed air foam generating devices with adjustable mixed liquid flow rate and gas-liquid ratio are used to test the discharge characteristics of typical 19 mm foam nozzle under different conditions. The quantitative relationships between discharge characteristics of foam nozzle and input parameters such as mixed linearly with the gas-liquid ratio were analyzed. The foam range has a positive correlation with the gas-liquid ratio, and the foam multiple increases first and then decreases with the increase of gas-liquid ratio. Under certain gas-liquid ratio, the foam nozzle pressure increases linearly with the flow rate of mixed liquid, the foam range is positively correlated with the flow rate of mixed liquid, and the variation of the foam multiple with the flow rate of mixed liquid is closely related to the actual size of the gas-liquid ratio.
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    Inhibiting effect of aerogel mat on thermal runaway propagation of lithium iron phosphate battery modules
    Chen Baohui, Deng Jie, Wu Chuanping, Zhou Tiannian
    2024, 43 (1):  5-11. 
    Abstract ( 180 )  
    Thermal runaway safety is a bottleneck restricting the development of lithium-ion battery energy storage technology. The thermal barrier is one of the technical ways to restrain the thermal runaway spread of batteries. In this paper, the 55 Ah lithium iron phosphate energy storage battery module was used to study the influence of different thicknesses of aerogel mat on the thermal runaway spreading characteristics of the lithium iron phosphate battery module. The results showed that aerogel mat could effectively inhibit the thermal runaway spread of lithium iron phosphate battery. The thicker the aerogel blanket was, the better the thermal barrier effect was. The 0.5, 1.2, 3.0 mm aerogel blankets could improve the thermal barrier efficiency of the battery module by 75.80%, 88.81%, and 299.92%, respectively. The results provided a reference for the prevention and control of thermal runaway of lithium-ion batteries.
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    Analysis of gas station accidents based on Bowtie method
    Li Guangbin, An Huaming
    2024, 43 (1):  12-17. 
    Abstract ( 150 )  
    In order to ensure the safety of fuel supply enterprises terminal production and operation, the analysis and management of the accident at the gas station has become a focus of research. In this paper, starting from the gas station operation process, through a comprehensive analysis of the risks and measures of common accidents in the daily production and operation activities of gas stations, with the help of the fault tree focusing on the analysis of gas station fire and explosion accidents, summarized the weak links in the management of its operation and production process is the oil and gas leakage and the generation of sparks, which is also the direction and center of gravity of preventing fire and explosion accidents, and then from the people, materials, environment and management factors, combined with the Bowtie model, summarized into an intuitive, clear Bowtie diagram of gas station accidents, for a comprehensive understanding of the development of gas station accidents, to strengthen risk management, provide new ideas to mitigate the consequences of accidents, avoid accidents, analyze quantitatively, and facilitate the exchange of risk and accurate management of gas station terminals.
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    Experimental study of the burning characteristics of coal mine tapes and cables
    Jiao Kunpeng, Xu Yongliang, Huo Xingwang, Gong Xiangjun
    2024, 43 (1):  18-22. 
    Abstract ( 127 )  
    In order to prevent fires caused by the burning of mining belts and cables, the article used FTT cone calorimeter to test and study their combustion characteristics and analyzed their fire hazard indicators. The combustion characteristics of the belt, cable sheath and cable insulation under 30, 40 and 50 kW/m2 thermal radiation intensity were tested, and an empirical prediction model of heat release rate was established to study the heat release law. The results indicate that the heat release rate curve exhibits power function and exponential function patterns in the rising and falling stages, respectively. The increase in thermal radiation intensity accelerates the thermal decomposition of materials, shortens the combustion reaction process, shortens the ignition time, weakens the fire resistance performance, and increases the fire hazard.
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    Experimental study on the synergistic effect of sliding devices on gas-liquid two-phase flow suppression of methane explosion in confined spaces
    Jiao Yifei, Zhu Hechun, Zeng Wenhui, Duan Yulong
    2024, 43 (1):  23-28. 
    Abstract ( 114 )  
    To investigate the influence of different gas?driven water mist sprays on the methane explosion characteristics under sliding devices, 10 cm × 10 cm× 100 cm explosion tests were conducted in a square tube, using high?speed camera technology and pressure acquisition technology. By changing the spring diameter of the sliding device and the type of water mist driving gas, the effects of different working conditions on the evolution behavior of the explosion flame structure and the transient change law of pressure were analyzed. The results show that the synergistic suppression and extinguishing effect of N2 driven water mist and sliding device on methane is better than that of air driven water mist synergistic sliding device, and N2 can play a redundant extinguishing and synergistic effect in preventing the failure of water mist suppression. Compared to the effect of air?driven water mist, N2-driven water mist can effectively shorten the flame combustion time, delay the peak velocity of the flame front, suppress the evolution of the flame front morphology, narrow the pressure oscillation range, attenuate nearly half of the overpressure peak, effectively control the maximum overpressure peak within the combustion zone, and reduce the possibility of secondary explosion hazards in the unburned zone.
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    Review of full⁃scale fire test of lithium⁃ion battery electric vehicles
    Yang Xiaohan, Zhang Yi, Deng Ling, Xie Yuanyi
    2024, 43 (1):  29-33. 
    Abstract ( 218 )  
    Analyze the fire accidents of lithium?ion battery electric vehicles that have occurred both domestically and internationally in recent years, and briefly summarize the fire risks of electric vehicles. A review is focused on the scientific research achievements of the United States, Canada, Austria, Sweden, China and other countries in the full?scale fire testing and fire prevention and control of lithium?ion battery electric vehicles. Based on domestic and foreign research results, the heat release rates of lithium-ion battery electric vehicles with different battery capacities are summarized, with a focus on the relationship between the total combustion heat release, peak heat release rate, the release of toxic hydrogen fluoride gas and battery capacity, providing necessary data reference for the research of fire prevention and risk assessment technology for lithium?ion battery electric vehicles in China.
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    Research on the relationship between burning rate and flame inclination angle of transformer oil pool fire under transverse wind
    Yang Haiming, Shang Shaobo, Zheng Xin, Chen Xuan
    2024, 43 (1):  34-38. 
    Abstract ( 96 )  
    Oil immersed transformers are mostly arranged in outdoor environments, and environmental wind is a key factor affecting the development of open space transformer fires. This article conducted experiments on transformer oil pool fire under different wind speeds and analyzed the change rules in parameters such as pool fire combustion rate and flame inclination angle. The results showed that under the influence of environmental air flow, the stable burning rate of pool fire showed a non monotonic evolution law, and the stable burning rate showed a "rise, decrease, rise" trend with the increase of wind speed. Due to the positive correlation between buoyancy and the diameter of the oil pool, the flame inclination angle is inversely proportional to the diameter of the oil pool; As the wind speed increases, the flame tilt angle shows a trend of "rapid increase and slow increase". Four flame inclination models were compared and the most applicable transformer oil flame inclination model was obtained. The research results can provide theoretical support for transformer fire control.
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    Experimental study on fire⁃resistance performance of full⁃scale load⁃bearing cross⁃laminated timber walls
    Peng Lei, Qiu Peifang, Zhang Chao
    2024, 43 (1):  39-44. 
    Abstract ( 134 )  
    Full?scale experimental tests were carried out to study the fire?resistance performance of cross?laminated timber walls in load?bearing conditions. The tested wall specimens had sizes (width×height×thickness) of 3 600 mm×4 000 mm×175 mm, and subjected to a linear load of 120 kN/m. The two tested walls were protected with one?layer of 15 mm?thick fire?resistant gypsum board and two?layers of 12 mm?thick fire?resistant gypsum boards, respectively. Test results show that, for the specimen 5W?1 protected with one?layer of 15 mm?thick fire?resistant gypsum board, the gypsum board fell off at about 55 min, and no obvious char layer delamination was observed because this specimen was made using the heat?resistant PUR adhesive. For the specimen 5W?2 protected two?layers of 12 mm?thick fire?resistant gypsum boards, the 1st layer of gypsum board fell off at about 40 min and the 2nd layer fell off at about 85 min, and the char layer delaminated after the furnace burner was terminated, because this specimen was made using the ordinary PUR adhesive. At 121 min, the vertical displacements of the wall specimens were about -10.3 mm and -9.5 mm, respectively. The unexposed sides of the wall specimens showed intact, and the temperature rise on the unexposed sides were less than 5 ℃ for the both specimens. The final results show that the two tested wall specimens have lord?bearing capacity, fire integrity and insulation not less than 2.00 h.
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    Research on foam purification technology in smoke from underground space fires
    Zhao Ziqi, Wu Aijun, Li Chengjiao, Tian Shixiang
    2024, 43 (1):  45-50. 
    Abstract ( 316 )  
    To effectively control smoke from underground space fires, this article proposes a new smoke abatement technology with foam purification and builds an experimental platform. This paper briefly introduces the advantages of foam smoke elimination technology and expounds on the working principle of purification. This study experimentally analyzed the effects of different solutions and flue gas concentrations (CO2 concentration as the tracking substance) on the CO2 removal rate. The results showed that the CO2 removal efficiency of pure water, monomer foaming solution, and compound foaming solution were 38.18%, 56.71%, and 92.2%, which leads to the conclusion that the compound foaming solution has a significant purification effect on CO2. With the increase of inlet flue gas concentration, the CO2 removal rate decreased from 93.21% to 80.85%, which proved that the foam purification technology has a good absorption effect on CO2 in the flue gas. The results show that the foam has a pronounced control effect on underground smoke.
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    Deep-learning prediction on fire-induced temperature field in complex room layouts
    Zeng Yanfu, Li Yizhou, Huang Xinyan
    2024, 43 (1):  51-55. 
    Abstract ( 194 )  
    The current design and analysis of fire detection system are mainly based on the simplified unconfined ceiling jet model, which does not consider the effect of building structures on the smoke flow behavior. This work proposed a deep learning model based on conventional neural network (CNN) with UNet architecture which aims to provide quick and accurate prediction of the fire-induced temperature field in rooms with complex layouts. A numerical database with 136 fire scenarios was first established by considering different room layouts, fire locations and room heights. The result shows that the model can provide temperature field for a given building in seconds with an accuracy of up to 88%. This work can contribute to the safety design for buildings with complex architectural plans.
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    Fire origin prediction in single compartment based on BP neural network and soot deposition characteristics
    Niu Tianhui, Geng Dianqiao, Yuan Yi, Dong Hui
    2024, 43 (1):  56-64. 
    Abstract ( 99 )  
    In order to help fire investigators to determine the fire origin more accurately and efficiently, a BP neural network-based fire point prediction model is proposed in this paper. The soot deposition database of wall soot deposition under 59 different fire origin scenarios is constructed by numerical simulation of single compartment fire, and the wall soot deposition characteristics under representative fire origin scenarios are analyzed, which indicates a strong correlation of the fire origin location with the mass of wall deposition and the average value of the maximum concentration. The above two parameters are selected as input, and the fire origin location is used as output for network training. And the new data is used for prediction. The results show that the maximum absolute error of the predicted value is 0.65 m, the minimum absolute error is 0.03 m, and the average absolute error is 0.37 m, indicating that the proposed model can achieve the prediction of fire source location with relatively high accuracy and is a good alternative method for fire investigation.
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    Research on the critical spacing of natural smoke exhaust shafts in urban shallow buried tunnels
    Wang Jie, Wang Lu, Jiang Xuepeng,
    2024, 43 (1):  65-69. 
    Abstract ( 106 )  
    The spacing between vertical shafts can change the pressure difference inside and outside the shaft. When the pressure difference inside and outside the shaft is zero, tunnel fire smoke cannot be discharged, and the corresponding position of the shaft is the critical spacing between vertical shafts. Based on the theoretical analysis of the pressure difference between the inner and outer openings of the vertical shaft, a theoretical model of the critical spacing of the vertical shaft is provided, and then FDS simulation is used for simulation verification. The results show that setting vertical shafts can significantly reduce tunnel temperature. When the distance between vertical shafts is a critical distance, the temperature drop is close to 150 ℃, and the temperature of personnel evacuation paths is below 60 ℃. The smoke exhaust efficiency of vertical shafts is between 55% and 80%, which can effectively carry out smoke exhaust in vertical shafts; When the distance between vertical shafts exceeds the critical distance, the smoke pressure inside the tunnel is less than the wind pressure at the outlet of the shaft, and the smoke exhaust efficiency of the shaft is less than 50%.
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    Experimental study on pedestrian behavior and evacuation capacity of vertical slide in road tunnel
    Zhang Yi
    2024, 43 (1):  70-75. 
    Abstract ( 92 )  
    In order to study the pedestrian behavior and evacuation capacity of vertical slide in road tunnel, the field tests were used to analyze the effect of gender differences and organizational order of personnel on the process of sliding. The results showed that the time to pass through a slide ranged from 1 s to 3 s and decreased during an orderly evacuation. A few participants were intimidated by the vertical slides, and it is recommended that instructions on the safe use of the slides and precautions are installed to alleviate people's fear. In single?slide evacuation, the average sliding speed of males was always greater than that of females, regardless of the order in which people were organized. In orderly evacuation, the average sliding speed of both males and females increased. Females were better positioned than males, especially when it comes to ladies first. Multi?slide evacuation and orderly evacuation both increased the sliding speed. For females, the sliding speed increased to a greater extent during orderly evacuation. But it was not safe to slide too fast, excessive speed could be hazardous, and it is recommended that some cushioning measures are taken at the exit of the slide to ensure the safety of personnel. The evacuation capacity of vertical slide ranged from 24.3 persons/min to 30.9 persons/min, with an average evacuation capacity of 27.63 persons/min.
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    Study on the influencing factors and calculation methods of pipeline transportation resistance loss in liquid nitrogen fire extinguishing system
    Chen Hongguang, Dong Haibin, Zhang Shaoyu, Zhang Dehua,
    2024, 43 (1):  76-81. 
    Abstract ( 129 )  
    Based on the actual situation of the pipeline of the liquid nitrogen fire prevention project, the influence of environmental temperature, liquid nitrogen temperature, inlet flow rate, pipe length, pipe diameter, and outlet diameter on the liquid nitrogen content and transportation pressure drop at the pipeline outlet are analyzed. The calculation method for predicting pipeline transportation pressure drop using a homogeneous model was analyzed through simulation and experimental. The results show that the environmental temperature and liquid nitrogen temperature have little influence on the liquid nitrogen content and pipeline pressure drop; The faster the flow rate , the longer the conveying distance, and the smaller the pipe diameter, the more significant the increase in pressure drop; The pressure drop will rapidly increase as the outlet diameter of the pipeline decreases. For low dryness gas-liquid two-phase nitrogen, it is suitable for homogeneous model calculation. The proposed simplified modified empirical model has a good agreement between the predicted pressure drop and experimental values, and can predict the pressure drop of gas-liquid two-phase nitrogen pipeline transportation, thus guiding the engineering application design of liquid nitrogen transportation pipelines.
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    Study on the ethanol boiling’s influence on spreading characteristics of alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent
    Yang Fan
    2024, 43 (1):  82-86. 
    Abstract ( 408 )  
    The low boiling point and volatile characteristics of ethanol make it easy to boil and mutate when burning, which will greatly affect the extinguishing performance of alcohol foam extinguishing agent. This paper designs and constructs a temperature control operation platform and a combustion test platform to test the spreading characteristics of alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent. From the fire extinguishing mechanism, this paper explores the influence of the boiling state change caused by temperature rise on the spreading asphyxiation effect of alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent, and then explores the influence of ethanol boiling state on the extinguishing performance of alcohol resistant foam extinguishing agent, providing relevant data and theoretical support for the fire rescue team to deal with alcohol fires.
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    Research on the application of storage specific application sprinkler in the pre-acting fire extinguishing system of warehouse buildings
    Wang Weijuan, Liu Xin, Yu Zeyang
    2024, 43 (1):  87-90. 
    Abstract ( 119 )  
    In order to determine the designs for application of special application sprinklers for warehouses in pre-action systems, model K-363 special application sprinklers for warehouses were selected in this study. Based on the analysis of influencing factors of fire control and extinguishing performance of automatic sprinkler systems, simulations were carried out under various conditions including different building heights, rack forms, and fire source locations. By comparing and analyzing the fire control effects of different designs, the minimum working pressure, sprinkler spacing, fire detector selection and rack layout form and other design parameters for application of special application sprinklers for warehouses in pre-action systems were feasible and reasonable.
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    Modular design and application study of earthquake rescue demolition technology training platform
    Fu Zhao, Wang Zhenxiong, Deng Yao
    2024, 43 (1):  91-95. 
    Abstract ( 91 )  
    Aiming at the problems such as lack of daily training and lack of functional integration of Chinese earthquake rescue and demolition technology training, an earthquake rescue and demolition technology training platform was designed based on modular design concept and actual combat and demolition application technology. Through the pain point analysis of the existing training facilities, training modes and training contents, the breaking technology training modules with different functions are determined.The whole platform and each functional module are designed and applied. The training platform designed in this paper is conducive to the daily consolidation training of demolition technology and relevant technical and tactical research of earthquake emergency rescue personnel, and the training module can be changed according to the needs of the team, which is helpful to strengthen the level of actual combat training and improve the ability of earthquake search and rescue.
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    Research on fire inspection robot based on industrial internet of things multi perception technology
    Zhu Rongfei
    2024, 43 (1):  96-99. 
    Abstract ( 115 )  
    In response to the challenges of weak global search ability, slow convergence speed, and easy falling into local optima in existing ant colony algorithms for path planning of fire robots, an ant colony path planning algorithm based on rollback and forward and backward optimization strategies is proposed. It enhances global search capability and speed by improving global initialization information, adopting rollback strategies and ant colony forward and backward optimization methods. The simulation results based on MATLAB and ROS show that the improved ant colony algorithm proposed in this paper improves convergence, reduces iteration times, shortens patrol path length, and saves valuable time for firefighting robot fire rescue.
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    Application analysis of firefighting robots in the disposal of chemical accidents
    Bo Dianqi, Wang Liang, Xu Lu
    2024, 43 (1):  100-102. 
    Abstract ( 157 )  
    Through the analysis of the hazards of chemical disaster accidents and the application needs of fire robots, combined with a review of the application of fire robots in chemical disaster accident disposal, this paper analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of fire robots in chemical disaster accident disposal, and determines the application points and development direction of chemical disaster accident disposal.
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    Study on the effectiveness of wood fireproof coatings under repeated heating conditions
    Zheng Lanfang, Zhu Zhichao, Wang Ji, Han Haiyun
    2024, 43 (1):  103-106. 
    Abstract ( 84 )  
    In order to investigate the effect of thermal radiation intensity on the performance of wood fire retardant coatings after fire retardant treatment by the surface coating method for the amnioblast coatings of the P?N?C fire retardant system, experiments were carried out using cone calorimetry (CONE) and simultaneous thermal analyzer (STA). The carbon layer secondary heating method was proposed to effectively test the flame retardant performance of fire?resistant coatings under different fire conditions, and the reliability of the conclusions was verified using thermogravimetric analysis technology. Through the thermogravimetric analysis of the coatings and the analysis of the secondary radiation heating data of the coated specimens, it was concluded that the coatings were completely charred in the temperature range of 575~750 ℃ and entered into a relatively stable stage. Meanwhile, the ignition time, heat release rate, total smoke production and fire growth index of the secondary heating of the coated specimens were analyzed in comparison with those of the radiation intensity of 35 kW/m2 in this temperature range, and it was concluded that the fire retardancy of the expanded charcoal layer was the best in this condition.
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    Inhibition of thermal runaway of energy storage battery by aerogel⁃based fire extinguishing agent
    Liu Tong, Tang Guocai, Wang Liang, Zhu Guoqing
    2024, 43 (1):  107-112. 
    Abstract ( 182 )  
    The suppression effect of aerogel?based fire extinguishing agent on thermal runaway of lithium?ion battery has been investigated through comparative experiments. The thermal runaway characteristics of fully charged 100 Ah lithium iron phosphate batteries have been studied, and three inflection points were identified as the guidance for the application of fire extinguishing agents. The fire mitigation effect of aerogel?based fire extinguishing agent and water mist was compared under same condition. Results show that both agents exhibit similar cooling efficiency and thermal runaway can be effectively mitigated when released before battery ignition. The aerogel?based fire extinguishing agent shows more excellent fire suppression effect. Once attach to the high temperature surface, the agent will form dense foam and can effectively block oxygen. In the case of thermal runaway, the aerogel?based fire extinguishing agent can significantly shorten the duration of jet fire, leading to the reduced fire hazard.
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    Study on the corrosion of metal of fire-fighting equipment by foam extinguishing agent at different temperatures
    Jiang kai, Kong Depeng, Wang Dongsheng
    2024, 43 (1):  113-119. 
    Abstract ( 319 )  
    In order to explore the corrosion behavior of foam extinguishing agent on the metal of fire-fighting equipment at different temperatures, water film foam extinguishing agent (AFFF), synthetic foam extinguishing agent (S) and fluoroprotein foam extinguishing agent (FP), which are commonly used in fire-fighting, and two kinds of metal materials of fire-fighting equipment (galvanized steel, aluminum alloy) were selected. The immersion weight loss and electrochemical test experiments were carried out at 40~80 °C, and the corrosion rate was calculated. The key parameters such as corrosion current density were measured. The results show that the corrosion rate of the metal increases with the increase of temperature. The corrosion rates of the three foam extinguishing agents on the two metals are: FP>S>AFFF, and the corrosion resistance of the two metals is: aluminum alloy>galvanized steel. With the increase of temperature, the corrosion degree of the two metals increased. Corrosion products and pitting pits appeared on the surface of galvanized steel, and the surface color of aluminum alloy became darker. In FP, pitting pits appeared on the surface of both metals, and their number and depth increased with the increase of temperature. Based on electrochemical tests, it was found that at the initial stage of corrosion, with the increase of temperature, the corrosion current density increased, the capacitance arc diameter and charge transfer resistance decreased, and the corrosion accelerated. In addition, at different temperatures, the corrosion mechanism of aluminum alloy in three foam solutions and galvanized steel in AFFF and FP is under charge transfer control, but galvanized steel in S shows typical diffusion control.
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    Research on the current situation of physical training injuries among firefighters in the new era and suggestions for countermeasures
    Duan Jianwei, Xie Chunlong
    2024, 43 (1):  120-124. 
    Abstract ( 175 )  
    The reform and reassignment of the fire rescue teams have expanded the scope of rescue functions and extended the professional career cycle, imposing higher physical fitness requirements on firefighters. This study conducted a survey on the current status of physical fitness training among firefighters in different regions of China. The results indicate a relatively high injury rate within the firefighting workforce, primarily manifested as joint injuries and muscle ligament strains, with injury sites predominantly concentrated in the knees, waist, ankles, shoulders, and wrists. The main causes of these injuries include improper movements, inadequate awareness of injury prevention, insufficient stretching and relaxation, inadequate warm-up activities, and incomplete recovery from excessive fatigue. Based on the survey findings, this study proposes methods for injury prevention in firefighter training, encompassing occupational demands, training subjects, scientific training principles, and sports protective equipment.
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    Disposal strategies for fire accidents in lithium⁃ion battery production plants
    Liu Jing, Su Zhongbo, Zhang Yanqun
    2024, 43 (1):  125-128. 
    Abstract ( 134 )  
    In order to propose disposal strategies for fire accidents in lithium?ion battery production plants, an analysis of the building and process characteristics of such plants was conducted. The main risks of fire accidents were identified, and based on real?life cases, corresponding disposal strategies were proposed for different stages of fire development in the post?formation process segment of the plant. The emphasis was placed on the importance of comprehensive assessment and the effective utilization of emergency exits as internal attack passages. Tactical methods such as "solidification, relocation, control of combustion, smoke exhaust, and heat dissipation" were recommended.
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    Safety control measures for handling vehicle traffic accidents
    Tian Jingtao
    2024, 43 (1):  129-133. 
    Abstract ( 106 )  
    In response to the five characteristics of diverse types of vehicle traffic accidents, sudden accidents, multiple dispatch forces, high rescue risks, and susceptibility to secondary disasters, this paper deeply analyzes and summarizes the three causes of fire rescue personnel casualties, including insufficient risk assessment, improper positioning of positions, and improper safety measures. Furthermore, it proposes six safety control measures including force dispatch, personnel division of labor, safety assessment, on-site warning, rescuing people and eliminating risks, and on-site cleaning.
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    Analysis of inapplicability of residual magnetism method in investigation of vehicle fire cause
    Zhang Liang, Zhao Xiang, Zhang Desheng, Huang Meng, Zhang Xiangzhi
    2024, 43 (1):  134-139. 
    Abstract ( 100 )  
    Residual magnetism method often encounters legal disputes in the practice of investigating the causes of vehicle fire. In order to explore whether the residual magnetism method is applicable to vehicle fire, four simulation experiments were designed and conducted based on the characteristics of vehicle electrical fire. The results indicate that the electrical short-circuit energy inside the engine compartment is insufficient to cause changes in the residual magnetic field of the vehicle body. Certain locations in the engine compartment and vehicle body exhibit inherently higher residual magnetic values, causing interference in the residual magnetism method. Additionally, the effect of high temperatures during a fire and post-fire towing and maintenance operations can cause the magnetic properties to fade, affecting the measurement of the vehicle's remanent magnetization value. Ultimately, it is confirmed that the residual magnetism method is not suitable for the investigation and determination of the causes of vehicle fire.
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    On-site determination of gasoline residues in fire site products by portable GC-MS
    Chen Lutao, Deng Jiahui, Zhan Guang, Ma Qiao
    2024, 43 (1):  140-142. 
    Abstract ( 110 )  
    A convenient and efficient method for the detection of trace gasoline combustion residues in fire site samples was established. Three kinds of common combustion residues in fire sites were obtained through simulated combustion experiments: gasoline and combustible wood combustion residues, gasoline and non-combustible concrete combustion residues, and gasoline and soil unburned residues, which were heated and desorbed in the empty pipe of portable thermal desorption system, and the deattached substances were analyzed by portable GC-MS. The results showed that gasoline residues were detected in the three groups of simulated combustion samples. Therefore, the established method has the characteristics of direct field analysis, no sample pretreatment, low interference from impurities, etc., and can be used for the field detection of trace gasoline combustion residues in actual fire site samples.
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