ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

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    15 April 2021, Volume 40 Issue 4 Previous Issue    Next Issue

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    Research on flame propagation characteristics based on image processing when flame arresters fail
    ZHENG Jin-lei, LI Bei-bei, LIU Xiu-mei, LI Wei, LIU Li-li, MA Chao-xin
    2021, 40 (4):  453-458. 
    Abstract ( 1900 )  
    In order to study the flame propagation characteristics of the unprotected side pipe when the flame arrestor fails, IIB3 (Explosion group) ethylene (C2H4) and air mixture were used to study the deflagration performance in pipelines with transparent quartz and arrestor. By image processing methods such as binarization, noise reduction filtering and edge detection, the accurate flame front profile was obtained, and then the relationship between the flame propagation velocity and the position in the pipe was obtained by the maximum similarity coefficient method. The results showed that during the first stage of flame propagation, the flame propagates like a "fingertip", the flame velocity increases linearly, and the pressure curve has two peaks. In the second phase of flame reverse propagation, the flame front is irregular, and the flame velocity and pressure show a downward trend In the third stage of flame propagation, the flame propagates in a "trailing" manner. The flame velocity oscillates with a large amplitude, and the pressure rises steadily with a small increase.
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    Influence of fire location in high-speed train on fire development trend
    WANG Lu, ZHAO Heng-ze, LI Ye
    2021, 40 (4):  458-462. 
    Abstract ( 1918 )  
    FDS software was used to establish the fire model of high- speed train, the changes of heat release rate and temperature were analyzed under 4 scenarios, and the influence of the location of the fire source on the development of fire in the train was researched. The results showed that when the fire compartment is located in the front of the train, flash-over phenomenon in the compartment has a large scope of action and strong destructive force, the rescue is difficult. As the position of the burning carriage moves back, the air flow inside the carriage inhibits flash- over and dilutes the flammable gas and heat effectively in the carriage, thus increasing the possibility of escape. 
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    Study on magnesium-aluminum mixed dust explosion characteristics in 20 L sphere device
    DING Xiao-yong, QIU Jiao, ZHANG Min, WEI Lan, TAN Ying-xin, LI Dan, YAO Ming-cai, TAN Yan ZOU Yang-jun, YANG Zi-qing
    2021, 40 (4):  463-466. 
    Abstract ( 1839 )  
    A series of experimental studies on aluminum-magnesium mixed powder were carried out using a 20 L spherical explosive device. The effects of dust concentration, ignition delay, ignition energy and component ratio of magnesium- aluminum mixed powder on the explosion characteristics were studied. Results showed that: the maximum explosion pressure and explosion index of 1:1 Mg/Al mixed powder (about 7 μm) first increase and then decrease at different concentrations. Compared with aluminum powder, the explosion parameters and explosion risk level of magnesium- aluminum mixed powder were higher. There is a lower dust concentration corresponding to the maximum value of explosion parameters for mixed powder than that of aluminum powder. The ignition delay has a greater influence on the explosion parameters of magnesium aluminum mixed powder, and there is shorter ignition delay time (40 ms) than aluminum powder (60 ms) to make the explosion parameters reach the maximum value.When other conditions remain unchanged, if the ignition energy decreases and the aluminum powder content increases regularly the explosion risk and power of magnesium- aluminum mixture powder decreases linearly.
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    Study on influence of air curtain on fire smoke in train compartment
    SHI Hui-ming, FANG Sheng-rong, WANG Hong-jiao
    2021, 40 (4):  467-470. 
    Abstract ( 1815 )  
    In order to study the influence of smoke prevention air curtain on the fire smoke of train compartment, the internal model of one car of CRH2A EMU was established, and FDS was used to simulate the smoke flow caused by the train compartment fire. According to the smoke horizontal movement speed under the given fire scenario, the horizontal tangential velocity of the air curtain was set. By changing the installation angle of the air curtain, the change of the height of the smoke layer, the distribution of temperature and CO concentration in each area of the compartment space under the action of the air curtain were studied.The results showed that when the fire power is 3 MW, the installation angle of air curtain is 45° and the horizontal and vertical velocities are 4 m/s, the smoke control effect is better. 
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    Research progress of wire ignition and combustion characteristics
    WEN Hu, ZHAO Xiang-tao, WANG Wei-feng, TIAN Qing, HE Jian
    2021, 40 (4):  471-476. 
    Abstract ( 1893 )  
    To better understand the process of fire caused by energized wires, combining the basic theory of wire ignition with experimental research, analyzed from three aspects: (1) Experimental research and mechanism analysis of wire ignition and flame spread under the condition of external radiation source heating; (2) The influence of external environmental conditions such as the influence of pressure, oxygen concentration, and gravity on the combustion behavior of the wire; (3) In-depth discussions on the numerical simulation research of energized conductors, analysis of the challenges and problems faced by current conductor fire research, and the basic development direction of future overcurrent conductor combustion research. The results can give references for research and design of fire-resistant wire. 
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    Fire endurance test verification of equipment sealing hatch for high temperature gas-cooled reactor
    ZHAO Bin-bin, GAO Xu, JIN Dong-jie, SHEN Bin, ZHANG Ran
    2021, 40 (4):  477-480. 
    Abstract ( 1764 )  
     The equipment sealing hatch is an important access for large equipment in the high temperature gas- cooled reactor plant, and is also an important building component to stop the spread of fire. The influence factors of the equipment sealing hatch's fire endurance were analyzed combined with the structure of the equipment sealing hatch. The minimum thickness of filling material for equipment sealing hatch was studied. Fire test was performed to investigate the duration of fire resistance. The results indicated that two hatches integrated structure design was verified to be reasonable via the fire resistance test. The fire resistance rating of the equipment sealing hatch was greater than or equal to 1.5 h. 
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    Study on the fire resistance performance of integrated steel beam with fire protection and decoration under fire
    YING Shan-shan, PAN TAO, FU Bo, ZHANG Jing-yi
    2021, 40 (4):  481-486. 
    Abstract ( 1772 )  
    In order to study the temperature field and bearing capacity of steel beams with integrated fire protection and decoration structure under fire, the fire resistance performance of steel beams with different cross- sectional sizes and different fire resistance limits was studied through an analysis model based on ANSYS software, and a simplified formula for calculating the bearing capacity of steel beams were given. The formula calculation results are in good agreement with the finite element results.
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    Research on fire water supply capacity of ancient towns based on district-net compound simulation
    TIAN Wen-tao, ZHANG Jian
    2021, 40 (4):  487-490. 
    Abstract ( 1865 )  
     The water supply for municipal fire protection in China is selected according to the population. In ancient towns with a small population and high fire risk, there will be insufficient fire water supply. This paper proposes the district-net composite simulation technology to analyze the fire spreading process of the building complex and the scale of the fire at different moments. According to the experience statistics, the fire brigade's arrival and intervention time is analyzed to obtain the fire water demand at the corresponding time; the field fire hydrant discharge experiment is used to obtain the fire water supply to verify whether it meets the fire water demand. Taking an ancient town as an example, the results show that most of the fire fighting water supply in this ancient town is generally lower than the fire fighting water demand during the fire. According to the fire risk calculation result of the fire intervention time of 16~18 min, it is recommended that the water supply should be timely increased to 30~35 L/s. 
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    Analysis on usage of the evacuation width and distance of adjacent fire compartment
    WANG Zong-cun
    2021, 40 (4):  491-493. 
    Abstract ( 6134 )  
    Safe evacuation is an important part of building fire prevention, and first of all, the evacuation facilities of each fire compartment should meet the needs of occupant evacuation of the same compartment. In the actual project, due to the functions, floor layout and so on, the evacuation facilities in some fire compartments cannot meet the requirements of safety evacuation independently. So it is necessary to evacuation through adjacent fire compartment. The problems existing in the use of adjacent fire compartment as a way of evacuation were analyzed and was verified by numerical simulation, and suggestions to improve the corresponding technical requirements were put forward. 
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    The comparative research on natural smoke exhaust capacity of top and bottom hung windows
    LIU Bo, GENG Wei-chao, WANG Chun-yu, DENG Jun
    2021, 40 (4):  494-498. 
    Abstract ( 2361 )  
    The numerical simulation is used to study the influence of opening angle on the natural smoke exhaust ability for top and bottom hung windows. The smoke exhaust capacity of the top and bottom hung windows are evaluated by analyzing the mass flow, pressure and speed of the smoke outlet, and the main smoke exhaust area. The results show that the smoke exhaust efficiency of the bottom-hung window is obviously higher than the top-hung windows. Under the same o-pening angle and fire source power, the bottom-hung window c-an discharge 52% ~61% more smoke than the top-hung window. The relative mass flow of the top- hung window has an exponential relationship with the opening angle because the window structure is hindering the exhaust of smoke. When the opening angle is less than 64°, the main smoke exhaust area is the triangular area on both sides of the window, while the relative mass flow of the bottomhung window has little relationship with the open angle, and the window structure is beneficial to discharge smoke. When the opening angle is less than 56° , the main smoke exhaust area is the horizontal area near the lower side of the window, as the opening angle increases, the main smoke exhaust areas of the top and bottom hung windows transition to the vertical area under the far window. When choosing exhaust windows for buildings, it is recommended that bottom- hung window should be preferred, and the opening angle is 30° ; if top-hung window is selected, the opening angle should not be less than 60°. 
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    Study on mechanical properties of reinforced concrete protected concrete filled steel tubular stub columns after fire
    XIANG Kai, HAN Wei-ping, PAN Yan-chong, ZHAO Bi
    2021, 40 (4):  499-503. 
    Abstract ( 1808 )  
     In order to study mechanical properties of reinforced concrete protected concrete filled steel tubular (CFST) columns after fire, the finite element method was used to analyze the reduction amplitude of axial bearing capacity and axial stiffness. The axial bearing capacity and axial stiffness parametric analysis is discussed with experimental verified finite element model. The computing method of the residual axial bearing capacity and axial stiffness are obtained. The results show that: (1) Axial bearing capacity and axial stiffness of reinforced concrete protected CFST stub columns after fire decrease significantly. With the increase of heating time, reduction of axial stiffness is higher than that of axial bearing capacity; (2) Sectional core area ratio has significant influence on the reduced level of axial bearing capacity for reinforced concrete protected CFST stub columns after fire. Sectional core area ratio and steel tube ratio have significant influence on the reduced level of axial stiffness for reinforced concrete protected CFST stub columns after fire; (3) The simplified calculating method is able to predict the residual axial bearing capacity and axial stiffness of reinforced concrete protected CFST stub columns after fire. 
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    Risk evaluation of gas leakage in heating furnace based on Bayesian Network
    CHANG Yi, WU Ya-ju,
    2021, 40 (4):  504-509. 
    Abstract ( 1800 )  
     In order to evaluate the risk of gas leakage in heating furnace of rolling steel production, a Bayesian network model of gas leakage in heating furnace is established based on the bow-tie model.The prior probability of Bayesian network is determined by using the membership function of fuzzy theory, lambda section set theory and the left and right fuzzy sorting method, and the dynamic factors affecting gas leakage in heating furnace are analyzed. The dynamic characteristics of gas leakage risk in heating furnace with time change are studied by introducing time factor.The risk of gas leakage in a heating furnace is analyzed by an example, and the sensitivity analysis (ROV) value curve is obtained by using the proportional change method, so as to determine the important root nodes and obtain the dynamic change curve of gas leakage risk in the heating furnace. The results can provide reference for dynamic risk analysis and safety management of gas leakage in heating furnace. 
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    Numerical simulation on fire smoke spread characteristics of curved tunnel and straight tunnel without longitudinal ventilation
    WANG Shu-meng, NIU Guo-qing, CHEN Zhi-ying, GUO Chen-wei
    2021, 40 (4):  509-513. 
    Abstract ( 1749 )  
     Based on the numerical simulation method, PyroSim software was used to build a curved tunnel model with a radius of 250, 300, 400, 500 m and 600 m and a straight tunnel model with a length of 130.8 m, respectively, to simulate the smoke spread in the condition of no longitudinal ventilation. Smoke temperatures at different heights of the center line of the two models were compared and analyzed. The simulation analysis shows that in the early stage after the fire, the smoke spread in the straight tunnel is basically symmetrical about the center line of the tunnel, while the smoke movement in the curved tunnel is inclined to the concave wall in the upstream and to the convex wall in the downstream. Under the stable state, the temperature above the fire in the straight tunnel is higher than the curved tunnel; no matter near-fire or away-fire zone, in the straight tunnel longitudinal temperature distribution has good symmetry with respect to the location of the fire source, and in the curved tunnelthe fluctuation of the near fire source is large, the temperature attenuation gradient of the far fire source is greater than that of the straight tunnel, and the temperature attenuation gradient of the upstream is greater than that of the downstream at 1.6 m height. The longitudinal attenuation index curve model of ceiling temperature in curved tunnel is put forward. 
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    Calculation and safety assessment on emergency evacuation in Zijing Mountain subway station
    CHEN Na, SHEN Xiang-hui, ZHU Rong-yue, WANG Shi-ling, ZHAO Jun
    2021, 40 (4):  514-518. 
    Abstract ( 2064 )  
     Taking the fire accidents in the train of Line 2 and on the public zone in the concourse level of Zijing Mountain subway station in Zhengzhou Metro as an example, according to the relevant provisions on occupants' safety evacuation in Code for safety evacuation of Metro (GB/T 33668- 2017) and Standard for Fixed Guideway Transit and Passenger Rail Systems (NFPA 130- 2017), evacuation time were calculated respectively, and also the safety assessment were carried out. The calculation results showed that according to the GB/T 33668-2017, the evacuation time in case of fire in the train of Line 2 is 345.64 s, and 339.18 s in case of fire on the public zone in the concourse level, both of them meet the 6 min safety evacuation requirements. According to the NFPA 130-2017, the evacuation time in case of fire in the train of Line 2 is 557.78 s, and 400.46 s in case of fire on the public zone in the concourse level, both of them do not meet the 6 min safety evacuation requirements. Finally, according to the difference in the calculation results of the evacuation time, the differences from four aspects: occupants' selection of safety zone, occupants' choice of evacuation path, the evacuation capacity of evacuation facilities, occupants' evacuation speed were analyzed. This will provide references for the revision of relevant codes about subway emergency evacuation and subway emergency management.
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    Development on electromagnetic ejection system of high-rise building fire extinguishing bomb
    WEI Ling-feng, CAO Zeng-qiang, WU Rong, DANG Cheng-long, ZHENG Guo, ZHANG Ming-hao
    2021, 40 (4):  519-523. 
    Abstract ( 1952 )  
     By analyzing the current situation of high- rise building fire-fighting equipment , the shortcomings were pointed out and a new type of fire-fighting equipment that uses electromagnetic force to launch fire- fighting bombs was proposed and designed. The principle of fire extinguishing bomb launching, the overall composition of equipment and the working process were introduced. The electromagnetic force is simulated by ANSYS Electronics. The research and development of electromagnetic ejection system makes up for the deficiencies of existing firefighting equipment for high- rise buildings, and provides a new solution for rapid fire- fighting and rescue for high- rise buildings. 
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    Failure analysis of foam spray fire extinguishing system of UHVDC converter transformer
    CHEN Tao, HU Cheng, KAN Meng-han, BU Xiao-lan, YANG Xiao-guang, MA Chong, WANG Yu-wei, BAO Zhi-ming
    2021, 40 (4):  523-526. 
    Abstract ( 1796 )  
     By simulating the cold spray test with different number of nozzles falling off, the influence of explosion, high- temperature and other special factors on the foam spray fire extinguishing system of UHVDC converter transformer was investigated, and the failure analysis of the foam spray fire extinguishing system was also carried out. The results showed that the working pressure, effective spray amount and coverage area of the spray nozzles were significantly affected by the proportion of falling nozzles. When the proportion of falling nozzles was more than 20% , the working pressure and effective spray amounts of nozzles were lower than the standard requirements. Meanwhile, the spraying range dropped and the spraying area shrank, thus the full coverage cannot be formed. There was even a risk of an extended fire caused by a jet of water after the nozzles falling off. In this case, the scheme of enhancing the liquid supply flow of the system was easy to form a blind area for fire extinguishing, which cannot meet the fire extinguishing requirements. 
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    Design of low-power wireless smoke alarm
    ZHANG Qing-chao, HE Qing, HAO Si-cong, CHENG Jie
    2021, 40 (4):  527-530. 
    Abstract ( 1943 )  
     The traditional smoke alarm has the problems of high power consumption and cannot be interconnected, so it is difficult to meet the requirements of practical applications. This paper designed a low- power wireless smoke alarm, using a lowpower, low- voltage special integrated circuit RE46C190 for photoelectric smoke detector and an ultra- low- power wireless single-chip CC1310 less than 1 GHz, so that the system standby current is about 14 μA, the theoretical standby life is up to 11 years, and the wireless communication distance reaches 1 km. It satisfactorily meets the requirements of low power consumption and wireless interworking, and provides a new solution for smart fire protection research. 
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    Fire engine communication, positioning and parameter acquisition system design for forest area without network
    XU Rui, WEI Bin, WANG Bo, SUN Rong, SUN Shu-fa
    2021, 40 (4):  530-533. 
    Abstract ( 1855 )  
     In order to realize the positioning and parameter acquisition of forest fire engines in less net forest areas, a communication positioning and parameter acquisition system based on Beidou short message is developed by using sensing technology and Beidou short message technology. The system includes data acquisition system and Beidou short message communication system. The designed parameter acquisition system uses STM32 chip to collect sensor data, and uses the GPS positioning function of the tablet computer to obtain the position of the forest fire truck. Under the condition of weak signal or even no signal in the original forest area, Beidou short message technology is used to report the sensor parameters and position information of the rescue fire truck. The vehicle terminal of the command vehicle receives message information, stores it locally, uploads it to the cloud, and supports APP real- time display. The test results show that the system positioning accuracy can overcome the influence of environmental emptiness,and the whole system runs well and can collect the parameters and position information of the fire truck in the non- network environment, which meets the expected design requirements and can be used as an effective means to improve the rescue of the non- signal forest area, so as to improve the safety and efficiency of the fire fighting in the non-signal forest area. 
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    Personnel path planning method based on prediction of gas volume of air respirator
    ZHANG Hong-yuan, LI Ming-qi
    2021, 40 (4):  534-539. 
    Abstract ( 1792 )  
    In view of the fact that it is difficult for rescuers to plan the path when they wear air respirator to perform tasks, proposed a single person path planning method in multi floor space based on the air consumption of air respirators. According to the characteristics of personnel action, improved the ant colony algorithm from three aspects, including: calculate the distance between two points according to different situation, judge the constraints based on the prediction of air volume of air respirator, and judge the inflation guarantee conditions. Applied the improved algorithm in different task scenarios, verified that it is reasonable and instructive for personnel wearing air respirator to make action plan and complete the task safely and efficiently. 
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    Modeling and simulation analysis of wheel-foot hybrid fire fighting robot system
    JIANG Tao, GUO An-fu, LI Jin, GUO Lai-quan, CHEN Qing, SHANG Shun-yi
    2021, 40 (4):  539-543. 
    Abstract ( 1845 )  
    Based on the firefighting operation requirements of the on- site fire environment, a wheel- foot hybrid fire fighting robot is designed, which can switch freely between wheeled and gait motion modes, and locate the fire source based on infrared vision recognition. Firstly, the overall model of the robot is established. Secondly, the basic working principle of the system is analyzed. On this basis, the parameters calculation, modeling and simulation analysis, vibration displacement analysis and visual servo control system of the walking device are carried out. The results show that the mechanism design of the walking device meets the requirements, the vibration displacement curve is basically consistent with the road roughness curve, and the overall detection result of the flame recognition algorithm of the visual servo control system is good. The fire robot can climb the old corridor, and can realize the basic recognition of the flame image. And this paper put forward a reasonable solution for the movement mode conversion of the wheel-leg mechanism. 
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    Research on the baseline drift filtering and denoising methods for active fire photoelectric detection signal
    LIU Xin, LIU Jian-xiang, ZHANG Guo-wei, LI Shao-peng, XUE Ying
    2021, 40 (4):  544-547. 
    Abstract ( 1733 )  
     In order to reduce the false alarm rate and improve the detection accuracy, aiming at the suction smoke sensor system of data center cabinet, a very early fire detection cavity structure was designed. The photoelectric detection digital circuit hardware was completed, and the photoelectric signal was collected. The ensemble empirical mode decomposition (EEMD) algorithm and wavelet analysis algorithm were used respectively to filter the baseline shift and reduce the background noise.After comparing and calculating the correlation and signalto- noise ratio, the results show that the performance of the EEMD method is significantly better than the wavelet analysis method, which can effectively reduce the false alarm rate and improve the detection accuracy, and realize the "very early" detection and warning of fire. 
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    Kinect based human body sense control system for firefighting robots
    FENG Shuai-qi, FENG Jie, CHANG Jie
    2021, 40 (4):  548-550. 
    Abstract ( 1769 )  
     In order to solve the problem of firefighting robot artificial remote control, which are high requirements for operators and low freedom of operation, a Kinect based sensation control system for fire fighting robots is designed. The motion-sensing control technology are introduced. The working principle of Kinect sensor, the core component of the system, and how to build a human body model through it are described in detail. From the two aspects of control system software and hardware, the key components of the system, PC control software and wireless communication module design ideas are introduced, to clear design ideas of the system. 
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    Research on a new point type optical fiber heat fire detector
    ZHANG Sen
    2021, 40 (4):  551-554. 
    Abstract ( 1793 )  
     Using optical fiber sensor in point type temperature detection for fire alarm,a new point type optical fiber heat fire detector is studied. First, its working principle is analyzed in detail. Then its structure is designed and produced. The experimental results and feasibility analysis are given. The experimental results show that the technical indexes meet the requirements of national standards. Compared with the traditional point type heat fire detectors, the point type optical fiber heat fire detector adopts pure optical method to detect temperature change. Its merit are included in the following points: small temperature measuring components, low cost, good electrical insulation, antielectromagnetic interference, anticorrosion, intrinsic safety, and being conducive to mass production. This optical fiber temperature sensor is especially suitable for fire detection and alarm in places with anti-corrosion, anti-water and intrinsic safety requirements. 
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    The enlightenment of arctic wildfire on wildfire management in alpine region of China
    BAI Ye, WANG Bo, WU Ying-da, CAO Meng, LIU Bo
    2021, 40 (4):  554-557. 
    Abstract ( 1815 )  
    The Arctic region mainly includes the Arctic Ocean and the surrounding treeless tundra. The vegetation is mainly low shrubs, grasses, herbs, moss and lichens growing close to the ground. The climate is cold all year round, and the source of fire is mainly dry thunderstorms. Affected by global warming and heat waves, the number and intensity of wildfires in the Arctic region are increasing, posing a serious threat to ecological security and causing a series of secondary disasters. On the basis of summarizing the cases of mountain fires in the Arctic region in 2019 and 2020, this paper analyzes the causes and hazards of mountain fires in the Arctic region, and puts forward the enlightenment for forest fore management in alpine regions in China based on years of forest fire control experience. 
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    Design and implementation of UAV forest fire monitoring system based on improved YOLOv3
    LIU Qing, LIU Zhi-guo, LIU Shou-quan, SUN Miao, MA Xian-wei
    2021, 40 (4):  557-561. 
    Abstract ( 1885 )  
    Forest fire has the characteristics of uncontrollability and random spreading, so forest fire prevention is very important. Due to the vast forest area, the traditional forest fire monitoring method has many disadvantages, such as blind area, poor real- time performance, large resource consumption and so on. In this paper, a forest fire monitoring system is designed and implemented based on the target detection technology with UAV as the flight platform. Aiming at the poor performance of the original ecological YOLOv3 algorithm in smoke and flame detection, the algorithm is improved by adding NMS and re clustering anchors. The detection accuracy and recall rate are increased by 6.8% and 11.92% respectively. The system can monitor forest fire in real time, and improve the ability of forest fire prevention and the automation and digitization level of forest fire warning.
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    Research on capacity building of transnational rescue teams for forest and grassland firefighting
    ZHANG Zhi-qiang, YIN Ji-yan, YAO Qi-chao
    2021, 40 (4):  562-565. 
    Abstract ( 1872 )  
     With the development of economy and society, the forest and grassland fires occur frequently in border areas, causing damage and impact increasing day by day. In 2019, the Ministry of Emergency Management established six transnational rescue teams for forest and grassland firefighting based on the needs of the situation and tasks,as an important force for dealing with forest and grassland fires in border areas of China.This paper analyzes the current situation of capacity building of transnational rescue teams of forest and grassland firefighting in China from three aspects of management system, task division and fighting ability, summarizes four deficiencies, and puts forward four countermeasures to strengthen the capacity building of transnational rescue teams of forest and grassland firefighting. It is hoped that this paper can provide reference for the capacity building of forest and grassland firefighting transnational rescue teams in China.
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    Study on business continuity management of enterprise full-time fire brigade in China
    QIAN Hong-wei , LI Tian-ming
    2021, 40 (4):  566-569. 
    Abstract ( 1854 )  
    There are many problems in the construction and development of enterprises full- time fire brigade in China , such as lack of funds, lack of equipment and low professional quality of personnel. Based on the analysis of the current situation of the construction of enterprise full- time fire brigade in China , combined with business continuity management theory (BCM) and procedures, this paper identifies, analyzes and evaluates various risks that may lead to the interruption of key business of the brigade in case of disaster, and puts forward corresponding measures and suggestions on how to eliminate the risks and ensure the efficient operation of the brigade in case of disaster. It provides a reference for improving the comprehensive rescue ability of full-time fire brigade. 
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    Research on the influence of allocation of auxiliary ambulance personnel on the safe evacuation of the nursing-cared elderly
    MA Hui, TONG Xi
    2021, 40 (4):  570-573. 
    Abstract ( 1794 )  
     This paper uses the Pathfinder simulation software to study the human resource allocation of nursing staff in the elderly care facilities from the perspective of safe evacuation, in order to provide a theoretical basis for the human resource allocation of auxiliary evacuation personnel in the safe evacuation of single and multi-storey elderly care facilities, and provide a basis for the formulation of relevant policies and measures. The results show that: At the manpower supply stage, with the increase of the number of nursing staff, the evacuation time decreases, but the marginal utility decreases. At the stage of external manpower re supply, the fire with the increase of fire fighters, evacuation time decreases, the marginal utility decreases. There is aptimal point for both of the stage, with the most obvious aptimal point for both of the stage, with the most obvious decrease of time, after that the improvement is samll, or even reduce the efficiency. 
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    Research on multi scale building fire information retrieval method based on BIM
    WANG Jia, GAO Xin-ao, XIAO Lei, LI Ji-bao, ZHOU Xiao-ping,
    2021, 40 (4):  574-578. 
    Abstract ( 1796 )  
     The study proposes a multi- scale building fire information retrieval method for BIM data. Firstly, a comprehensive and searchable semantic graph of building fire protection is constructed by using knowledge Graph technology to improve the comprehensibility of data; then, through natural language processing technology, the query statements are segmented and semantically disambiguated, entity recognition and syntactic analysis are carried out to identify the query intention, and the logical form of query is constructed; finally, it is mapped to the query template corresponding to different scales to achieve multilevel scale information retrieval. The experimental results show that the proposed multi- scale information retrieval method can achieve 0.929 precision and 0.795 recall rate in multi- scale information retrieval, and improve the accuracy rate of 0.293 and recall rate of 0.240 in single scale information retrieval (equipment retrieval) compared with the existing keyword based methods, which promotes the optimization and upgrading of the retrieval ability of the new fire management system. 
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    Discussion on improving the professional ability of mountain rescue
    LI Dong-chang, ZHAI Rui
    2021, 40 (4):  579-580. 
    Abstract ( 1922 )  
     For mountain rescue, there isn't systematically formed theory, technical and tactical support and lots of combat experiences for reference, and the rescue is difficult, technical and equipment requirements are high. Therefore, how to improve the professional rescue ability of the team as soon as possible when the establishment is late and the foundation is weak is a problem that needs to be solved urgently. The author thoroughly investigated the actual situation since the formation of the mountain rescue team, analyzed the crux of the improvement of mountain professional rescue capabilities, and proposed constructive solutions. 
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    Research on fire integrity evaluation of construction enterprises
    GAI Chao
    2021, 40 (4):  582-583. 
    Abstract ( 1769 )  
    Referring to the successful experience of enterprise credit system construction at home and abroad, combined with the actual fire work, by identifying the evaluation indicators in the implementation of the main responsibility of fire safety of construction enterprises, 22 relevant evaluation indicators are selected to establish the credit index system. And then, the AHPTOPSIS method is used to evaluate and sort the weight of the fire integrity indicators of construction enterprises, and the integrity and operability of the evaluation model is verified by the application of the model. The establishment of the model is conducive to providing practical guidance for the fire department to promote the construction of social integrity and government integrity system. 
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    Dynamic scenario construction of hazardous chemicals fire based on information driven theory
    HU Ren-yuan, XIA Deng-you, ZHANG Jian
    2021, 40 (4):  586-589. 
    Abstract ( 1741 )  
    Aiming at the risk of decision-making errors in the process of collecting information on hazardous chemical fire accidents, based on the information- driven theory, this paper believes that the fire accident of hazardous chemicals is led by the process of on-site information improvement and update, and the process of dynamic changes in the on- site disaster situation is established to build a spiral cycle formed by accident site information, on- site disaster situation, and emergency rescue operations. The structural model analyzes the four- stage driving process of the information in the evolution of hazardous chemical fire accident scenarios: the initial judgment of the accident outbreak, the intervention of the initial treatment plan, the first feedback of the treatment effect, and the adjustment of emergency rescue operations. Finally, an explosion accident of a petroleum gas storage tank is used as an example to verify the model. 
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    Influence of weathering effect on the identification of ignited liquid on fire scene
    LI Qiu-fan-zi, JIN Jing, DENG Liang, LI Kang-xu, LIU Ling, SUN Xiao-xiao, ZHANG Jin-zhuan
    2021, 40 (4):  590-594. 
    Abstract ( 1793 )  
    To track the research progress of weathering effect in the field of accelerant identification, offering some reference to domestic work on weathering interference, this article reviewed relevant research both in China and other countries. The content mainly included the effect of weathering on ignited liquid and its residue of combustion, the exclusion of weathering interference in ignited liquid identification, the connection between weathering interference and other interference. Additionally, the prospect of research interests on weathering effect was outlooked. 
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    Research progress on characteristics of combustion improver trace on the arson fire scene
    GONG Jin, JIN Jing, ZHANG Jin-zhuan, LU Lin-gang, XU Zi-he, Wei Yu
    2021, 40 (4):  594-597. 
    Abstract ( 1849 )  
    The research progress of combustion improver trace on the arson fire scene is overviewed. The combustion trace of common liquid combustion improver on combustible material and incombustible material is summarized. The factors affecting the liquid combustion improver are analyzed, including the self-characteristics of the liquid, the carrier properties and other factors. The disturbing trace similar to the combustion improver trace are discussed, such as flashover, melting or falling objects. Disadvantage of the study is analyzed, and prospects are put forward. 
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    Study on fire trace identification of wire insulation ash section by SEM analysis
    HUANG Chao, HUANG Hong-lan
    2021, 40 (4):  598-601. 
    Abstract ( 1762 )  
     Experiments are carried out to study the fire trace identification of wire insulation ash section by SEM microscopic morphology analysis. The residues are made,such as the fire residue of short circuit caused by long term overload,fire residue of instantaneous short circuit, residue of short circuit caused by fire etc. The production method of residue sample for SEM is developed,and the samples are made. The micro characteristics of the samples is observed and summarized,to identify the primary and secondary short-circuit burn mark as well as the fire mark. This method expands the acquisition path of the material used for fire cause identification,is complements to molten bead identification,improves the evidence chain,thus has significant application value. 
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    Investigation on a bus fire caused by mechanical fault
    LIU Wen-cheng
    2021, 40 (4):  602-604. 
    Abstract ( 1858 )  
    Investigation of a bus fire accident was introduced. By means of on- site inspection, investigation and comprehensive analysis, it is determined that the fire is caused by the leakage of natural gas caused by mechanical fault and electrostatic sparks produced by hitting or electrical circuit short. Starting from the fire investigation, this paper introduces the investigation process of natural gas bus fire, summarizes the experience and experience of handling the case, and plays a guiding role in the management of natural gas vehicle fire. 
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