ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

Publishing Ethics

  • Publishing Ethics

    To further strengthen the construction of academic integrity, standardize the process of manuscript writing, reviewing, editing, and publishing, and enhance the journal's publication quality, this journal has established the publishing ethics standards in accordance with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), “Academic Publishing Specification - Definition of Academic Misconduct for Journals (CY/T174—2019)” and other relevant standards.


    Responsibilities of Authors

    1. Authors must ensure their manuscripts are original works and do not involve any academic misconduct behaviors, such as duplicate submissions, plagiarism, data fabrication. Authors must also ensure their manuscripts do not contain any classified information.

    2. Authors should not submit the same manuscript to more than one journal nor should they publish the same manuscript multiple times, as this wastes academic publishing resources.

    3. Listed authors must specify their contributions. All listed authors must meet the journal's authorship criteria, which means that all authors must have substantially participated in the research or related work of the manuscript and should make significant contributions in the following areas: conceptualization and design of the research, acquisition of data, analysis and interpretation of data, writing the manuscript or making critical revisions to important content. Authorship should ideally be listed in order of authors' contribution, agreed upon by all co-authors, and the attribution right of the manuscript is guaranteed to be undisputed at the time of submission. Authors cannot be added or removed arbitrarily. Changes in authorship require a signed consent from all authors.

    4. All authors must disclose any potential conflicts of interest. A conflict of interest exists when an author's (or their affiliation's) financial, personal, or dependent relationships could influence the author's actions, work, or manuscript. When mentioning certain products, authors should also disclose any conflicts of interest with competing products.


    Responsibilities of Peer Reviewers

    1. Ensure scientific accuracy in manuscript review and provide objective and fair assessments. Utilize their expertise to review the innovation, scientific validity, and practicality of the manuscript. Provide fair evaluations on the appropriateness of research methods, rationality of scientific research design, accuracy of results and conclusions, and the existence of leaks to assist editors in judging the selection of manuscripts. Provide detailed suggestions for improvement to help authors enhance the quality of their manuscripts.

    2. Respect the research achievements of authors and avoid reviewing manuscripts where there is a conflict of interest. Reviews should be academic in nature, avoiding personal judgments or attacks. Manuscript decisions should not be influenced by the author's race, gender, religion, belief, or their status, qualifications, and authority, and should be clearly justified with sufficient evidence and facts.

    3. Provide timely feedback on review comments within the specified timeframe. When reviewers are unable to complete on time, they should inform the editorial office promptly.

    4. Keep reviewed manuscripts confidential. Do not share, discuss with others, or use and publish the data, ideas, or conclusions from reviewed manuscripts.

    5. Keep all review comments and information confidential and should not use them for personal purposes.

    6. If a conflict of interest exists with the manuscript under review, the reviewer should recuse themselves from the review process.


    Responsibilities of Editors

    1. Strictly enforce relevant national laws and regulations, adhere to academic publishing ethics and standards, and uphold research integrity. Handle all submissions promptly and fairly to ensure high-quality and timely publication of edited manuscripts.

    2. Respect the research results of authors and the opinions of peer reviewers. Maintain the authenticity of review records and confidentiality of all review and revision data. Editors and editorial staff should not disclose any information about submitted manuscripts to anyone other than the corresponding authors, reviewers, and editorial board members as needed.

    3. Protect the information of authors, manuscripts, the identity information of reviewers, and other relevant personnel during the blind review process.

    4. Fairly select manuscripts. Acceptance or rejection of manuscripts should be based solely on the originality, significance, clarity of the submitted manuscripts, and their alignment with the journal's purpose and scope.

    5. Encourage academic debate and have a duty to respond to authors' differing views on reviewer comments.

    6. Editors are obliged to investigate and communicate on academic misconduct. Upon receiving any ethical complaints regarding submitted or published articles, editors must take effective measures. If necessary, corrections, clarifications, retractions, or apologies should be published promptly.

    7. If a conflict of interest exists with a submitted manuscript, editors should recuse themselves.

  • 2024-07-03 Visited: 2175