ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

Editorial Policies

  • Editorial Policies

    1. Review System: This journal employs a double-blind peer review system. The acceptance rate for manuscripts is approximately 20%.

    2. Editorial Policy: Authors are responsible for their submissions. The journal reserves the right to edit the text, perform technical processing, and make content deletions. Significant content changes will be discussed with the authors.

    3. Peer Review Process: The journal rigorously adheres to the peer review system, with all manuscripts undergoing a preliminary review, secondary review, external review, and final review process. After successful submission, the editorial office will initially review the manuscript. Manuscripts that lack originality, have serious scientific or technical flaws, lack valuable information, or do not fit the journal's scope will be rejected. The Deputy Editor-in-Chief will conduct a secondary review focusing on the technical and innovative aspects of the manuscripts that pass the preliminary review. After the secondary review, the manuscripts are sent to two reviewers for external review. Authors must respond point-by-point to the reviewerscomments and submit revised versions of the manuscript. This process is repeated until both the reviewers and editors are satisfied with the manuscripts. Finally, the Editor-in-Chief regularly organizes a final review meeting for manuscripts that pass the external review to impartially select manuscripts based on academic quality and review comments.

    4. Detection and Handling of Academic Misconduct: The journal rejects practices such as multiple submissions, extracted content from thesis, duplicate submissions of similar content, and submissions of articles already published in other languages. To minimize academic misconduct, the editorial office uses a detection system provided by Wanfang Data during the preliminary review stage, requiring a repetition rate not exceeding 20%. If any academic misconduct is detected, the manuscript will be rejected, and the author's affiliation will be notified for serious handling, and the incident will be reported to other journals in the field of fire safety.

    5. Review of Special Issue Manuscript: The aforementioned manuscript review process also applies to submissions for special issues. Manuscripts submitted to special issues undergo the same review and editorial process as regular submissions and are also subject to the final acceptance decision by the Editor-in-Chief, who is responsible for the entire content of the journal, including special issues. When organizing special issues, the editorial office invites authoritative experts in the field to serve as guest Editors-in-Chief. The responsibilities of guest Editors-in-Chief include proposing special issue themes, soliciting manuscripts, organizing peer reviews, and addressing any issues that arise during the publication of the special issue. The work of guest Editors-in-Chief is supervised by the Editor-in-Chief to ensure the fairness of the review process.

    6. Submission by Editorial Board Members/Editors/Guest Editors-in-Chief /Guest Editors: Submissions by editorial board members, editors, guest Editors-in-Chief, and guest editors must adhere to all the journal's review and editorial processes. Peer reviews must be conducted independently of the associated editorial board members, editors, guest Editors-in-Chief, guest editors, and their research teams. These individuals may not participate in the review process of manuscripts by authors with whom they have competitive, cooperative, or other conflicting interests.

    7. Appeals Against Decisions: If authors have objections, they can submit a written appeal to the editorial office, providing detailed explanations and clarifications for each review comment.

    8. Corrections and Retractions: Once articles are published online or in print, they are considered final versions, and, in principle, requests for corrections or retractions by authors are not accepted. However, corrections or retractions may be made under necessary circumstances as described below:

    Corrections: If an article contains unintentional scientific errors that do not significantly affect the results and conclusions, the editorial office will promptly publish a correction notice in the journal, detailing the changes made to the original text and citing the source of the article.

    Retractions: The following situations will lead to retraction of an article and a retraction statement being published: (1) when an article contains serious scientific errors rendering the results and conclusions unreliable; (2) for articles suspected of plagiarism, data fabrication, or other forms of academic misconduct, the editorial office will initiate an investigation and inform readers of the risks associated with the article. After the investigation concludes, the results will be made public. If academic misconduct is confirmed, the editorial office will formally announce the retraction of the paper in print and online, notify cooperating databases to delete the online version of the article, halt its dissemination, and report the incident to the author's affiliation. If this causes damage to the reputation or other losses to the editorial office, the right to seek further compensation will be reserved.

  • 2024-07-03 Visited: 1976