ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

Journal Overview

  • Journal Overview

    Fire Science and Technology was established in 1982 and is a professional academic journal distributed both domestically and internationally. It is governed by the Ministry of Emergency Management (MEM) of the People's Republic of China and sponsored by the Tianjin Fire Research Institute of MEM This journal is one of the earliest established and most authoritative academic journals in China, and is the only journal indexed in A Guide to the Core Journals of China and Key Magazine of China Technology in the field of national fire rescue science and technology. It has also been successfully included in China's High-Quality S&T Journals in the field of safety science both domestically and internationally. 

    Aims and Scope
    The journal closely follows the development direction of fire science research, tracking cutting-edge topics in fire safety engineering. It mainly reports on the research achievement and development in fire science technology, covering topics such as fire theory study, building fire prevention design, social fire prevention and integrated control technology, design of extinguishing system, study of fire equipment, fire extinguishing agents and fire retardant materials, emergency management study, fire investigation and analysis, smart fire services and big data applications, forest fire control, comprehensive disaster prevention, mitigation and emergency rescue research, new energy safety and protection, fire rescue tactics and strategies, etc.

    The journal's readership includes university faculty and students in the field of fire safety engineering, scientific researchers, and governmental agency personnel.

    Fire Science and Technology has been indexed in more than ten renowned journal indexing databases both domestically and internationally:
    Domestic: A Guide to the Core Journals of China by Peking University, Key Magazine of China Technology, World Journals Clout Index (WJCI) Report of Scientific and Technological Periodicals, China Academic Journal (CD-ROM), Wanfang Data - Digital Journal Cluster, China Science and Technology Journals, China's High-Quality Science and Technology Journals Grading Catalog (Safety Science Field).
    International: Cambridge Scientific Abstracts (Natural Sciences) (CSA (Nat Sci)), Chemical Abstracts, Ulrichsweb, Index of Copernicus, Japan Science & Technology Agency (China) (JST China).

    Since 1995, the journal has been continuously recognized as a “First-Level Journal of Tianjin” by the CCP Tianjin Municipal Committee Propaganda Department, Tianjin Science and Technology Committee, and Tianjin News and Publishing Bureau, and has been frequently awarded the title of “Outstanding Journal of Tianjin.” The rapid development of Fire Science and Technology could not have been achieved without the support from the government and scientific workers in the field of fire safety. We will adhere to our established editorial policies, firmly establish a sense of quality, and achieve further development.

    Publication Frequency
    The journal is a monthly publication, with the print version released on the 15th of each month. Titles and abstracts of articles are simultaneously published on the official website.
  • 2020-08-19 Visited: 36498