ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

Fire Science and Technology ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (11): 1580-1585.

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Study on site selection optimization of metro fire emergency rescue station

Yang Shun1, Peng Shaoke2, Feng Haolin3, Chen Qinpei4   

  1. (1. Foshan Fire and Rescue Division, Guangdong Foshan 528000, China; 2. CCCC Foshan Investment & Development Co., Ltd., Guangdong Foshan 528000, China; 3. Guangdong University of Technology, Guangdong Guangzhou 510000, China; 4. Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM, Tianjin 300381, China)
  • Online:2022-11-15 Published:2022-11-15

Abstract: In order to enhance the fire emergency capability of Guangzhou metro rail transit, a mathematical model was built to study the optimal site selection of metro fire emergency rescue stations. First, a time limit model and a required and non-selected station model were established considering the actual situation of Guangzhou metro rail. Then, Lingo 18.0 was used to solve the time limit model, and then the required and non-selected station models were used to optimize. For the repeatedly covered fire emergency rescue service demand stations, select the nearest metro fire emergency rescue station as the departure station of the fire emergency rescue force of the demand station. Finally, 40 stations from 241 metro stations were selected as metro fire emergency rescue stations to achieve the coverage of rescue services for all metro stations.

Key words: metro, fire emergency rescue station, emergency response time