ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (8): 1125-1129.

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陈 涛1,王雨薇1,张佳庆2,过 弈2   

  1. 1.应急管理部天津消防研究所,天津 300381; 2.国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,安徽 合肥 230601
  • 出版日期:2021-08-15 发布日期:2021-08-15
  • 作者简介:陈 涛(1980-),男,应急管理部天津消防研究所副研究员,主要从事灭火剂及灭火技术研究,天津市南开区卫津南路110号,300381。

Study on the fire characteristics and smoke hazards of typical transformer oils

CHEN Tao1, WANG Yu-wei1,  ZHANG Jia-qing2, GUO Yi2   

  1. 1. Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM,Tianjin 300381,China; 2. State Grid Anhui Electric Power Research Institute, Anhui Hefei 230601, China
  • Online:2021-08-15 Published:2021-08-15


利用锥形量热仪及傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,测试了典型变压器油在3种不同外加热辐射通量下的燃烧特性和烟气危害性。重点对比了凝固点不同的KI25XKI50X变压器油的燃烧过程和火灾危险性。结果表明,外加热辐射通量和变压器油的类型均会对燃烧特性和火灾危险性产生影响。随着外加热辐射通量的增加,两种变压器油的点燃时间均缩短,HRR、生烟率及CO的浓度峰值随之增加。当外加热辐射通量提高至35 kW/m2时,KI50X变压器油火灾的蔓延速度更快,释放出的毒性气体浓度更大,此时其火灾热危险性和烟气危害性相较更大。


"> 变压器油;锥形量热仪;燃烧特性;烟气危害性


The fire characteristics and fire hazard of typical transformer oils were measured by a cone calorimeter and cone calorimeter-Fourier transform infrared spectrometer under three different external radiative heat fluxes. The difference of combustion process and fire hazard of KI25X and KI50X transformer oils with different freezing point were studied. The results show that both the external radiative heat fluxes and the type of transformer oils affect the fire characteristics and fire hazard. With the increase of the external heating radiation flux, the ignition time of the two transformer oils were shortened, and the HRR, smoke generation rate and the peak concentration of the main toxic component CO in the flue gas increased accordingly.When the external radiative heat flux was increased to 35 kW/m2, compared with KI25X, the fire spread speed of KI50X transformer oil was faster and its toxic gas concentration released was higher. So its thermal and smoke risk was higher than KI25X at this time.

Key words: transformer oil, cone calorimeter, fire characteristics, smoke hazard