ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (5): 738-741.

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  1. 应急管理部天津消防研究所,天津300381
  • 出版日期:2021-05-15 发布日期:2021-05-15
  • 作者简介:包志明(1979-),男,吉林长春人,应急管理部天津消防研究所副研究员,硕士,主要从事灭火剂及灭火技术研究,天津市南开区卫津南路110 号,300381。

Study on foam extinguishing agent for vehicle ethanol gasoline fire

BAO Zhi-ming,ZHAO Ting-ting, ZHANG Xian-zhong,CHEN Yang, JING Li-shuai   

  1. Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM, Tianjin 300381, China
  • Online:2021-05-15 Published:2021-05-15

摘要: 车用乙醇汽油的应用日益广泛,为有效处置此类特殊液体火灾,通过关键组分筛选与复配研究,研发了一种新型高效的非PFOS 类泡沫灭火剂。该产品通过了国家标准GB 15308-2006《泡沫灭火剂》的检测,灭火性能达到最高级别,且通过对比试验验证了产品的灭火性能优于国内其他产品,并进一步研究提出产品的灭火供给强度这一关键灭火应用参数。

关键词: 车用乙醇汽油, 泡沫灭火剂, 供给强度, 灭火性能

Abstract: With the wide use of ethanol gasoline, in order to effectively deal with this particular liquid fire, a new type of highly efficient non PFOS foam extinguishing agent has been developed through the study of key components screening and blending. The product has passed the national standard GB 15308- 2006 foam extinguishing agent detection, the highest level of fire extinguishing performance has been achieved, and the fire extinguishing performance of the product is better than that of other domestic products through comparative tests. Further study is made on the key parameter of extinguishing supply intensity.

Key words: vehicle ethanol gasoline, foam extinguishing agent, supply intensity, fire extinguishing performance