ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 681-684.

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  1. 莆田市消防救援支队,福建 莆田 351100
  • 出版日期:2020-05-15 发布日期:2020-05-15
  • 作者简介:李振华(1983-),男,福建莆田人,莆田市消防救援支队工程师,博士,主要从事消防监督管理工作,福建省莆田市荔城区镇海中街1389号,351100。

Design and properties of polypyrrole modified carbon nanotubes

LI Zhen-hua, WANG Shi-jun   

  1. Putian Fire and Rescue Detachment, Fujian Putian 351100,China
  • Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-05-15

摘要: 通过对碳纳米管(CNT)两步改性得到富含P,N元素的磷腈单元接枝聚吡咯外壳包裹的有机无机杂化结构(HPCNT),将其作为填料添加进PP基体中。相对于纯CNT,杂化结构表面的包裹层与基体间具有更强的界面作用力以及界面相容性,呈现出良好的分散状态,继而能够有效地形成物理阻隔网络。同时,其丰富的P、N元素自身会提供一定的阻燃作用,且能促进成炭。加入3%HPCNT后,PHRR和THR相应的变为987 kW/m2和111 MJ/m2,分别下降了31.6%和15.3%。PCOY以及PCO2Y相应的变为0.57 mg/m3和11.44%,分别下降了20.8%以及31.7%。

关键词: 聚丙烯, 碳纳米管, 聚吡咯, 火灾危险性


Through the two-step modification of carbon nanotubes (CNT), the P, N-rich organic-inorganic hybrid structure (HPCNT) was obtained by grafting polypyrrole onto the P, N-rich phosphoronitrile unit, which was added into PP matrix as filler. Compared with pure CNT, the inclusion layer on the surface of hybrid structure has stronger interface force and interface compatibility with the matrix, so it presents a good dispersion state, and then it can effectively form a physical barrier network. At the same time, its rich P, N elements will provide a certain degree of flame retardant, and can promote the formation of carbon. When 3% HPCNT was added, PHRR and THR changed to 987 kW/m2 and 111 MJ/m2 respectively, which decreased by 31.6% and 15.3% respectively. PCOY and PCO2Y decreased by 20.8% and 31.7%, respectively, to 0.57 mg/m3 and 11.44%.

Key words: polypropylene, carbon nanotubes, polypyrrole; fire risk