ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 614-618.

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  1. 1.应急管理部上海消防研究所,上海200032; 2.中国矿业大学 安全工程学院,江苏 徐州221116
  • 出版日期:2020-05-15 发布日期:2020-05-15
  • 作者简介:谷思念(1991-),男,江苏徐州人,应急管理部上海消防研究所实习研究员,主要从事建筑防火研究工作,上海市徐汇区中山南二路601号,200032。

Experimental studies on upward flame spread under limited distance effects

GU Si-nian1,2, BU Xue-min1, ZHU Guo-qing2   

  1. 1.Shanghai Fire Research Institute of MEM, Shanghai 200032,China; 2.School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Jiangsu Xuzhou 221116, China
  • Online:2020-05-15 Published:2020-05-15

摘要: 以长45.0 cm、宽5.0 cm、厚2.0 mm的广告画布作为研究对象,开展了受限距离为3.0~9.0 cm的竖向顺流火蔓延实验,定量分析受限距离对火焰长度、火蔓延速度、点燃时间等参数的影响。结果表明:受限距离3.0~8.0 cm时,受限侧火焰长度明显大于未受限侧火焰长度;受限距离超过8.0 cm时,两侧火焰长度基本一致。随受限距离增加,火焰长度与火蔓延速度均表现为先增加后减小,最终趋于稳定,而点燃时间则表现为先减小后增加,最终趋于稳定值。建立了材料表面接收热流与点燃时间的关系式,分析了材料表面接收热流随受限距离的变化趋势,阐释了火蔓延速度随受限距离非单调变化的原因。

关键词: 受限距离, 顺流火蔓延, 广告画布, 火蔓延速度, 热流传输

Abstract: Using 45 cm tall, 5.0 cm wide and 2.0 mm thick advertising canvas,the effects of limited distance with the range of 3.0~9.0 cm between wall and fuel surface on flame length, spread rate and ignition time are quantitatively analyzed. The major conclusions are summarized as follows: When the limited distance is 3.0~8.0 cm,the flame length on limited side is larger than that on unlimited side, whereas when limited distance is beyond 8.0 cm, the flame lengths on both sides are basically the same. Both the flame length and spread rate first increase and then decrease with limited distance, and finally reach a constant value, while the ignition time decreases first and then rises with limited distance, and ultimately achieves a stable value. The relationship between the heat flux received by virgin surface and ignition time is established. Moreover, the variation trend of the heat flux received by virgin surface with the limited distance is analyzed, which can be used to explain the cause of the non-monotonic trend in spread rate.

Key words: limited distance, upward flame spread, advertising canvas, flame spread rate, heat transfer