ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (3): 407-409.

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  1. 1.国网浙江省电力有限公司,浙江 杭州 310007; 2.国网宁波市供电有限公司,浙江 宁波 315000
  • 出版日期:2020-03-15 发布日期:2020-03-15
  • 作者简介:顾天雄(1971-)男,国网浙江省电力有限公司安监部副主任,高级工程师,主要从事电气火灾防范的研究,浙江省杭州市黄龙路8号,310007。

Innovation and practice of fire safety management in power grid enterprises

GU Tian-xiong1, WU Zhi-min1, YU Jun1, FANG Neng-zhu2 FANG Zhong-shan2   

  1. 1. State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Hangzhou 310007, China; 2. State Grid Ningbo Power Supply Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Ningbo 315000, China
  • Online:2020-03-15 Published:2020-03-15

摘要: 针对电网企业消防安全不会管、管不好的问题,积极探索、大胆创新,通过明确各级各部门消防安全责任,引入第三方专业消防技术服务机构“把脉问诊”,借力科技信息化技术,强化人防水平,构建起了电网企业消防安全管理的新模式。

关键词: 电网企业, 消防安全, 专业评估, 应急管理

Abstract: In view of the problem that the fire safety of power grid enterprises can not be managed or not well managed, with active exploration and bold innovation,by clarifying the fire safety responsibilities of all departments at all levels, introducing the third-party professional fire technical service organization "pulse diagnosis", relying on the technology of information technology, strengthening the level of human defense, a new mode of fire safety management of power grid enterprises was established.

Key words: power grid enterprise, fire safety, professional evaluation, emergency management