ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2020, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 818-821.

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基于VR 技术油库安全隐患排查及演练系统设计

万婧1 ,郑月1 ,李勇辉1 ,梅汇伟2 ,林兰芳3   

  1. (1. 广东省安全生产科学技术研究院,广东 广州 510060;2. 厦门汇利伟业科技有限公司,福建 厦门 361008;3. 集美大学,福建 厦门 361021)
  • 收稿日期:2020-01-24 出版日期:2020-06-15 发布日期:2020-06-15
  • 作者简介:万婧(1983-),女,湖北孝感人,中国科学院理化技术研究所高级工程师,博士,主要从事安全工程与技术方面的研究,广东省广州市越秀区建设大马路 19号,510060。
  • 基金资助:

Design of safety inspection and emergency training system for oil depot based on virtual reality technology

WAN Jing1, ZHENG Yue1, LI Yong-hui1, MEI Hui-wei2, LIN Lan-fang3   

  1. (1.Guangdong Academy of Safety Science and Technology, Guangdong Guangzhou 510060, China; 2. Xiamen Hlwymobi Technology Co., Ltd., Fujian Xiamen 361008, China; 3. Jimei University, Fujian Xiamen 361021, China)
  • Received:2020-01-24 Online:2020-06-15 Published:2020-06-15

摘要: 针对油气储存等危险化学品行业隐患排查及应急处置训练难题,提出了基于 VR 技术的油库隐患排查及应急演练培训系统。该系统利用 VR 开发引擎,运用 3D Max、Unity 3D、Visual Studio 等开发工具完成对油库环境及其作业场景的三维建模与可视化,并利用高保真可编程渲染管线技术达到高度逼真的画面效果,实现了具有真实感的油库三维环境漫游、知识学习、隐患排查训练以及典型火灾事故应急处置演练等各个应用场景的动态仿真。应用结果表明,该系统可有效提高油库隐患排查及应急演练培训水平。

关键词: VR 技术, 油库, 安全隐患, 应急处置系统

Abstract: An oil depot safety inspection and emergency training system based on VR technology is proposed to solve the problems of safety inspection and emergency training. The system utilizes VR development engine, applies 3D Max, Unity 3D and Visual Studio and other development software to complete 3D scenarios building and visualization of the oil depot, furthermore, achieves highly realistic picture effects by HD scriptable render pipeline technology, so as to realize dynamic simulation of various application scenarios such as realistic three- dimensional roaming, knowledge learning, safety inspection and typical fire accident emergency drill. The application results show that the system can effectively improve the oil depot safety inspection and emergency training.

Key words: virtual reality, oil depot, safety inspection, emergency training system
