ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 202-209.

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杨小松1, 杨再华1, 王元波1, 万景明2, 王晨2, 陈兵3   

  1. (1.贵州茅台股份有限公司,贵州 仁怀 564500; 2.中国科学技术大学 火灾科学国家重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230026; 3.中国安全科学生产研究院,北京 100012)
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-15 修回日期:2024-10-23 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-15
  • 作者简介:杨小松,贵州茅台股份有限公司,中级工程师,主要从事白酒安全生产管理和安全技术研究,贵州省遵义市仁怀市盐津街道城南社区馨天地三期,564500。
  • 基金资助:

A study on the rupture characteristics of ceramic jar under conditions of heating in circular oil pool fire

Yang Xiaosong1, Yang Zaihua1, Wang Yuanbo1, Wan Jingming2, Wang Chen2, Chen Bing3   

  1. (1. Kweichow Moutai Co., Ltd., Renghuai Guizhou 564500, China; 2. State Key Laboratory of Fire Science, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei Anhui 230026, China; 3. China Acadermy of Safety Science and Tecnology, Beijing 100012, China)
  • Received:2024-10-15 Revised:2024-10-23 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-15

摘要: 当酒库发生大面积火灾后,白酒泄漏形成的流淌火会环绕在未被引燃的陶坛周围,形成内边被陶坛限制的环形池火,在火焰的炙烤下,陶坛很容易发生破碎并引发二次事故。本文开展了一系列环形油池火炙烤不同储水量陶坛的试验,研究了陶坛破裂情况下火焰形态的演变特性与陶坛破裂后的裂纹形态及裂纹分布,并根据陶坛首次破裂时的破裂临界最大温度差计算获得了破裂临界热应力载荷。结果表明,大尺寸陶坛试验中陶坛破裂情况下的油池火火焰形态与小尺寸陶坛有较大差异。陶坛储水量对陶坛破裂后的裂纹总长度、裂纹密度与裂纹分布影响较小,小尺寸陶坛的裂纹主要分布在陶坛总高度的一半以下,大尺寸陶坛总高度一半以下的坛壁首先发生破裂,并且发生破裂时坛壁会产生大面积的破裂甚至垮塌。小尺寸陶坛与大尺寸陶坛破裂的临界最大温度差出现的位置与陶坛开裂区域的分布具有一致性。量化分析坛壁温差形成的破裂临界热应力载荷,发现当小尺寸陶坛坛壁热应力载荷小于14.9 MPa,陶坛不会发生破裂,当热应力载荷达到30.9 MPa,陶坛破裂概率为20%;当热应力载荷达到44.5 MPa时,陶坛破裂概率为80%;当热应力载荷达到56.9 MPa后所有陶坛都会发生破裂。大尺寸陶坛两次试验中破裂临界热应力载荷分别为19.9 MPa与10.9 MPa。

关键词: 陶坛, 酒库火灾, 环形池火, 热应力载荷

Abstract: When a large-scale fire occurs in a Chinese spirits warehouse, the leakage of Chinese spirits can create flowing flames that encircle the unignited ceramic jars, forming a circular pool fire restricted by the jars. Under the intense heat of the flames, these jars can easily shatter, leading to secondary accidents. This paper presents a series of experiments on the thermal effects of circular oil pool fires on ceramic jars with varying water capacities. We investigate the evolution characteristics of flame morphology under conditions of jar rupture, as well as the patterns and distribution of cracks that occur after the jars break. Furthermore, we calculate the critical thermal stress load for fracture based on the maximum temperature difference at the moment of initial rupture. The results indicate that the flame morphology of pool fires in large ceramic jars differs significantly from that in small jars during rupture. The water capacity of the jars has a minor effect on the total length, density, and distribution of cracks following rupture. In experiments with small jars, most cracks are concentrated in the lower half of the total height of the jars. In contrast, the lower half of the walls of large jars experiences initial rupture, often leading to extensive cracking or even collapse. The locations of the critical maximum temperature difference at which rupture occurs in both small and large jars align with the distribution of crack zones. A quantitative analysis of the critical thermal stress load due to temperature differences in the jar walls reveals that when the thermal stress load in small jars is below 14.9 MPa, rupture does not occur. At a thermal stress load of 30.9 MPa, the probability of rupture is 20%. When the load reaches 44.5 MPa, the probability increases to 80%, and above 56.9 MPa, all jars will rupture. For large jars, the critical thermal stress loads in two experiments were found to be 19.9 MPa and 10.9 MPa, respectively.

Key words: ceramic jar, Chinese spirits warehouse fire, circular pool fire, thermal stress load