ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 168-174.

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张博思, 孙柏林, 王新宇, 余志红   

  1. (中国劳动关系学院 安全工程学院,北京,100048)
  • 收稿日期:2024-07-15 修回日期:2024-10-24 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-15
  • 作者简介:张博思,中国劳动关系学院安全工程学院讲师,主要从事建筑火灾安全与人员安全疏散方面的研究,北京市海淀区增光路45号,100048。
  • 基金资助:

Experimental study on evacuation characteristics of wheelchair-bound people

Zhang Bosi, Sun Bolin, Wang Xinyu, Yu Zhihong   

  1. (School of Safety Engineering, China University of Labor Relations, Beijing 100048, China)
  • Received:2024-07-15 Revised:2024-10-24 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-15

摘要: 随着我国社会老龄化加剧,轮椅人员疏散在建筑安全疏散设计中的重要性日益凸显。本文通过设计试验,研究轮椅人员在自驱和推行两种不同疏散模式下的疏散特性,以及发生对向或者同向行走冲突时的避让行为。试验表明,由于推行人员更容易向轮椅施加推力,也更容易控制轮椅前进方向,因此,相比于轮椅人员自驱疏散,轮椅人员推行疏散速度更快,约为自驱疏散速度的1.9~2.6倍;在两种疏散模式下,轮椅人员的疏散速度均会随着通道宽度的增加而持续增大,这主要是由于在窄通道条件下,轮椅人员易于与通道边界发生碰撞,导致疏散速度降低。当与对向人员交汇时,轮椅人员的行走方向通常会向右偏移以避让冲突;当与其他轮椅人员水平并排疏散时,轮椅人员通常会调整速度,转变为碰撞冲突可能性最低的前后纵向疏散模式。因此,在考虑轮椅人员的安全疏散设计中,应确保轮椅人员有足够的可用宽度,以避免其疏散速度受到限制,同时在有条件的情况下,尽量采用他人辅助疏散模式。

关键词: 轮椅人员, 安全疏散, 疏散模式, 疏散宽度, 冲突避让行为

Abstract: With the aggravation of aging population, the importance of wheelchair users' evacuation in building safety evacuation design is becoming increasingly prominent. The evacuation characteristics of wheelchair-bound people under self-drive and push-drive evacuation patterns and the conflict avoidance behaviors when encounter with other wheelchair-bound people in the same or the opposite directions were investigated through designed experiments. Results showed that the evacuation speed of wheelchair-bound people under push-drive pattern were 1.9~2.6 times larger than that under self-drive pattern, since it is easier to push the wheelchair and control the direction under the push-drive pattern. The evacuation speed of wheelchair-bound people increased with the increasement of the width of aisle under both self-drive and push-drive evacuation patterns. This is mainly due to that the wheelchair-bound people are easy to collide with the passage boundary and reduce the evacuation speed under narrow passage conditions. When encounter with the opposite people, the wheelchair-bound people always shifted to the right to avoid walking conflict, and they always adjusted their speed to form the front and rear longitudinal evacuation mode when they evacuating side-by-side with other wheelchair users. Therefore, in the design of safe evacuation for wheelchair-bounded people, a reasonable evacuation width should be set to avoid limiting their evacuation speed, and the assisted evacuation mode should be adopted as much as possible under favorable conditions.

Key words: wheelchair-bound people, safety evacuation, evacuation patterns, aisle width, conflict avoidance behaviors