ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (2): 152-155.

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丁一飞1, 吕昕2, 张伟杰1, 张予馨1, 黄鑫炎1   

  1. (1.香港理工大学 建设与环境学院,中国香港 999077; 2.上海市青浦区消防救援支队,上海 201700)
  • 收稿日期:2024-10-15 修回日期:2024-10-22 出版日期:2025-02-15 发布日期:2025-02-15
  • 作者简介:丁一飞,香港理工大学建设及环境学院博士生,主要从事基于深度学习的智慧消防的研究,香港特别行政区九龙红磡漆咸道南181号,999077。
  • 基金资助:

Digitized fire load survey of office building: data collection and statistical analysis

Ding Yifei1, Lv Xin2, Cheung Wai Kit1, Zhang Yuxin1, Huang Xinyan1   

  1. (1. Faculty of Construction and Environment, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Kowloon, Hong Kong, 999077, China; 2. QingPu Fire and Rescue Division, Shanghai 201700, China)
  • Received:2024-10-15 Revised:2024-10-22 Online:2025-02-15 Published:2025-02-15

摘要: 火灾荷载调查数据可为消防设计规范的制定和建筑性能化设计提供依据。为扩展现有的火灾荷载数据库,本研究采用基于机器视觉的数字化调查方法对中国香港和中国内地的27间办公室(11间大学校园办公室和16间商业办公室,总面积达3 130 m2)展开火灾荷载调查。所调查的办公室平均火灾荷载密度为(1 224±1 142) MJ/ m2,其中大学办公室为(382±297) MJ/ m2,商业办公室为(1 804±1 391) MJ/M2。与历史数据和规范设计值相比,商业办公室的火灾荷载密度明显偏高,而大学办公室则偏低。此外,可燃物成分分析发现,塑料制品在建筑内部可燃物中的占比有明显上升趋势。基于此,本研究建议在消防安全设计时考虑区分校园办公室和商业办公室,并注意燃料成分的变化趋势。

关键词: 火灾荷载, 数字化调查, 现代办公楼, 消防性能化设计

Abstract: Fire load survey data can provide a basis for the development of fire protection design codes and building performance-based design. In order to expand the existing database, a fire load survey of 27 offices (11 university offices and 16 commercial offices with a total area of 3 130 m2) in Hong Kong and Mainland, China was conducted in this study using a machine vision-based digitized survey method. The average fire load density of the investigated offices was (1 224±1 142) MJ/m2, with (382±297) MJ/m2 for the university offices and (1 804±1 391) MJ/m2 for the commercial offices. Compared with the previous surveys and the code designs, the fire load density of the commercial offices was significantly higher, while that of the university offices was lower. In addition, the analysis of the combustible composition revealed a significant increase in the percentage of plastic. Based on this, this study recommends that consideration be given to differentiating between campus offices and commercial offices when designing for fire safety, and that attention be paid to trends in fuel composition.

Key words: fire load, digitized survey, office building, fire performance-based design