ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2025, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1): 62-67.

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刘洪永1,2,3, 武昕宇1,2,3, 罗劭翔1,2,3, 张佳庆4   

  1. (1.中国矿业大学 安全工程学院,江苏 徐州 221116;2.中国矿业大学 江苏省城市火灾防护重点实验室,江苏 徐州 221116;3.中国矿业大学 煤矿灾害防控全国重点实验室,江苏 徐州221116;4.国网安徽省电力有限公司电力科学研究院,安徽 合肥 230601)
  • 收稿日期:2024-01-18 修回日期:2024-04-26 出版日期:2025-01-21 发布日期:2025-01-15
  • 作者简介:刘洪永,中国矿业大学安全工程学院消防与公共安全研究所副所长,副教授,博士,主要从事电气防火与应急救援相关领域的研究,江苏省徐州市大学路1号中国矿业大学南湖校区矿科学学中心A526-2,221116,Lhyeven@163.com。
  • 基金资助:

Study of the effect of shaft spacing on the limiting height of chimney effect

Liu Hongyong1,2,3, Wu Xinyu1,2,3, Luo Shaoxiang1,2,3, Zhang Jiaqing4   

  1. (1. School of Safety Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116, China;2. Key Laboratory of Fire Protection in Urban Underground Space of Jiangsu Province, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116, China; 3. Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education for Prevention and Control of Coal Mine Gas and Fire, China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou Jiangsu 221116, China; 4. Research Institute of Electric Power Science, State Grid Anhui Electric Power Co. Ltd., Hefei Anhui 230601, China)
  • Received:2024-01-18 Revised:2024-04-26 Online:2025-01-21 Published:2025-01-15

摘要: 为深入研究火灾发生时竖井间距对竖井烟囱效应极限高度的影响规律,通过FDS软件对5 MW下的隧道火灾进行模拟,共设置4种不同的竖井截面尺寸和5种不同的竖井间距,模拟竖井间距对烟囱效应极限高度的影响。结果表明,随着竖井间距的增大,烟囱效应极限高度逐渐减小;此外,随着竖井截面尺寸增加,竖井间距对烟囱效应极限高度的影响显著增大。基于模拟数据得到了竖井烟囱效应极限高度z与竖井间距x和竖井截面边长y的数学模型,并进行模拟验证。该数学模型可以估算相同环境下,60 m≤x≤240 m,0.5 m≤y≤2.5 m时竖井烟囱效应的极限高度。研究结果不仅可以为自然通风竖井设计提供指导,同时也为相关领域自然通风系统排烟口的设计提供重要参考。

关键词: 安全工程, 竖井间距, 烟囱效应, 极限高度, 数值模拟

Abstract: In order to study the influence of shaft spacing on the ultimate height of the shaft chimney effect during fire, tunnel fires under four shaft cross-section sizes and five shaft spacing were simulated by FDS fire dynamics simulation software, focusing on the influence of shaft spacing on the ultimate height of chimney effect. The results show that the shaft chimney effect is enhanced with the increase of shaft height, but its ultimate height gradually decreases with the increase of shaft spacing; moreover, the influence of shaft spacing on the ultimate height of the shaft chimney effect gradually increases with the increase of shaft cross-section size. Based on the simulation data, the correlation between the limiting height z of the shaft chimney effect and the shaft spacing x and the side length of the shaft section y was obtained. The expression can estimate the ultimate height of the shaft chimney effect when 60 m≤x≤240 m and 0.5 m≤y≤2.5 m under the same environment, which provides guidance for the design of natural ventilation shafts, and is expected to provide a reference for the design of smoke vents of natural ventilation systems in related fields.

Key words: safety engineering, shaft spacing, chimney effect, limiting height, numerical modelling