ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2024, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (12): 1753-1758.

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石洋1, 陈镜任1, 于沛1, 田明伟2, 王航2, 宫大鹏1, 丁杨1   

  1. (1. 中国消防救援学院,北京 102202;2. 青岛大学 纺织服装学院,山东 青岛 266071)
  • 出版日期:2024-12-15 发布日期:2024-12-15
  • 作者简介:石 洋(1984- ),男,中国消防救援学院科研处处长,主要从事森林防灭火、消防技术装备方面的研究,北京市昌平区南口镇南雁路4号,102202。
  • 基金资助:

Sensing life safety rope design based on tension spandex elastic yarn sensor

Shi Yang1, Chen Jingren1, Yu Pei1, Tian Mingwei2, Wang Hang2, Gong Dapeng1, Ding Yang1   

  1. (1. China Fire and Rescue Institute, Beijing 102202,China;2. Qingdao university College of Textiles & Clothing, Shandong Qingdao 266071, China)
  • Online:2024-12-15 Published:2024-12-15

摘要: 作为消防员防坠落装备核心受力部件的消防安全绳,在使用过程中无法通过目测、触感等检查方式判断其过载、冲坠后是否产生影响绳索强度的塑性变形。采用经过氨纶长丝包缠涂敷工艺,将具有高弹性及良好的应变电感特性的拉阻式氨纶传感纱置于安全绳内部,与绳索同步受力变形,可实现应力传输。使用万能拉力测试仪和电阻采集装置对可传感消防安全绳的电阻响应性和线性度进行测试。试验结果表明,传感纱在弹性形变范围内,应力-应变-电阻信号呈线性输出。传感纱能够积极响应外加拉力载荷,线性度为0.988 56。在多次拉伸循环中,传感纱稳定性好。未来可在实践中帮助消防员判定载荷情况,简化救援评估计算。

关键词: 可传感安全绳, 拉阻式传感纱, 传感性能分析

Abstract: The life safety rope is the core stressed component of the fall protection equipment for fire service. But whether it has plastic deformation that affects the strength of the rope after the overload and fall cannot be judged by visual inspection, touch and other inspection methods during use. The tensile resistance spandex sensing yarn with high elasticity and good strain inductance characteristics is placed inside the safety rope after the spandex filament wrapping and coating process, and the stress transmission can be realized by synchronous force deformation with the rope. The resistance responsiveness and linearity of the sensing life safety rope were tested using a universal tensile tester and resistance acquisition device. The experimental results showed that the stress-strain-resistance signal of the sensing yarn is output lin⁃early in the elastic deformation range. The sensing yarn responds positively to applied tensile loads with a linearity of 0.988 56. In multiple stretching cycles, the sensing yarn has good stability. In the future, it can help firefighters determine the load situation in practice and simplify the calculation of rescue assessment.

Key words: sensing safety rope, tensile resistance sensing yarn, sensing performance analysis