ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 562-565.

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高宁宇, 刘定明   

  1. (湖南省消防救援总队,湖南 长沙 410000)
  • 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-15
  • 作者简介:高宁宇(1969-),男,江苏南京人,湖南省消防救援总队总队长,全国消防救援队伍特约研究员,主要从事消防安全管理工作,湖南省长沙市岳麓区枫林三路151号,410000。

Exploration and thoughts on the cross-regional railway transportation of emergency rescue forces for the all-disaster relief-Taking the delivery of flood fighting forces of Hunan Fire and Rescue Brigade to Henan Province as an example

GAO Ning-yu, LIU Ding-ming   

  1. (HunanFire and Rescue Brigade, Hunan Changsha, 410000)
  • Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-15

摘要: 消防救援队伍改革转隶后,全国跨区域机动力量建设显著加强,大兵团跨区域作战成为常态。建立完善的跨区域力量投送方案,是高效应对地震、洪水、泥石流、台风、森林、草原火灾等重特大灾害事故的基本前提和重要保证。因此,积极探索新形势下跨区域力量投送模式,构建人员、车辆、装备运输圈,完善“空、铁、路”一体化投送体系迫在眉睫。本文以2022年湖南省消防救援总队增援河南抗洪抢险,采用公路和铁路投送相结合的案例为背景,总结了实战经验,分析了不足,对今后应急救援力量采取跨区域铁路投送提出了探索性建议。

Abstract: ?After the reform of the fire rescue team, the construction of cross-regional mobile power in the country has strengthened, and the cross-regional combat of large troop formation has become an emergency rescue normality. The establishment of a complete cross-regional power delivery plan is the basic premise and important guarantee of serious calamity accidents such as earthquakes, floods, mudslide, typhoons, forest and grassland fires. Therefore, it is imminent to explore cross-regional power delivery model, establish one circle of personnel, vehicle, and equipment, and improve the air-rail-highway integrated delivery system. This paper analyzed the practical experience of highway delivery and rail delivery when the Hunan Provincial Fire Rescue Corps reinforced the flood rescue in Henan Province and put forward exploratory suggestions on strengthening the construction of cross-regional railway transmission ability of emergency power deliver.

Key words: all-disaster?relief, emergency?rescue, cross region