ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 554-558.

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王 妃1,温志强2,杨 囡3   

  1. (1.天津外国语大学,天津 300204;2. 天津师范大学 政治与行政学院,天津 300201;3. 天津市百利开关设备有限公司,天津 300104)
  • 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-15
  • 作者简介:王 妃(1987-),女,辽宁昌图人,天津外国语大学网络安全与信息化办公室工程师,天津市应急语言服务研究院研究员,主要从事应急管理、智慧应急研究,天津市河西区马场道117号,300204。

Safety education courses effect evaluation basedon "behavior-state" associated data

WANG Fei1,WEN Zhi-qiang2,YANG Nan3   

  1. (1. Tianjin Foreign Studies University,Tianjin 300204,China; 2. College of Politics and Public Administration, Tianjin Normal University,Tianjin 300201,China; 3. Tianjin Baili Switchgear Co., Ltd., Tianjin 300104,China)
  • Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-15

摘要: 确保安全教育成效对保障人民生命财产安全、维护社会和谐稳定具有重要意义。通过走访1 064名师生116堂课获取实际课堂的“行为—状态”关联数据规律,结合现有教学评估研究成果,采用多种智慧感知技术开展具体评价。实验表明,通过该方法进行课堂学习知识点掌握程度评价的准确度约为80%,为实现更客观、科学的全过程安全教育效果量化评价提供了参考,助力全民安全意识提升。

Abstract: To ensure the effectiveness of safety education is of great significance to protect people's life and property safety and maintain social harmony and stability. By visiting 116 classes of 1 064 teachers and students, the study obtained the "behavior-state" associated data law of the actual classroom, combined with the existing teaching evaluation research results, and adopted a variety of wisdom perception technologies to carry out the evaluation of specific learning effects. Experimental results show that the accuracy of this method is about 80%. This method provides a reference for the realization of a more objective and scientific quantitative evaluation of the whole process of safety education, and helps improve the safety awareness of the whole people.

Key words: safety education, pattern recognition, learning effect, educational evaluation