ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 456-461.

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  1. (上海海事大学 海洋科学与工程学院,上海 201306)
  • 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-15
  • 作者简介:黄奕龙(1996-),男,广东惠州人,上海海事大学海洋科学与工程学院硕士研究生,主要从事隧道狭长空间火灾烟气蔓延特性与防治研究,上海市浦东新区南汇新城镇海港大道1550号,201306。
  • 基金资助:

Improvement effect analysis of side-by-side distribution smoke exhaust pipe to the lateral smoke exhaust efficiency

HUANG Yi-long, ZHANG Shao-gang, SHI Yan-li, LIU Jia-hao   

  1. (School of Ocean Science and Engineering, Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai 201306, China)
  • Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-15

摘要: 为了进一步提高隧道火灾侧向排烟效率,以港珠澳大桥海底沉管隧道为研究对象,利用FDS数值模拟软件进行等尺寸建模,将火源热释放速率设置为10,20,50 MW,排烟速率设置为4,6,8,10 m/s,宽高比设置为1∶2、1∶1、2∶1、3∶1,共计48组工况,在各个侧向排烟口处加装“分布式排烟管”,通过控制变量法分析分布式排烟管宽高比、火源热释放速率等因素对侧向排烟效率的影响,并探究加装分布式排烟管对侧向排烟效率的提升效果。结果表明:(1)排烟速率相等的条件下,当排烟管宽高比较小,宽高比由1∶2增大至2∶1时,其竖向拦截热烟气的范围减小,排烟效率逐渐减小,此时主要由吸收的热烟气量主导排烟效率;而当集气管的宽高比较大,宽高比由2∶1增大至3∶1时,集气管变得更加扁平,排烟效率逐渐增大,此时主要由所吸收热烟气的浓度主导排烟效率。因此,侧向排烟效率随着排烟集气管宽高比的增大呈现先减小后增大的趋势,当集气管宽高比为2∶1时取得最小值。(2)排烟速率、排烟管宽高比相同条件下,随着火源热释放速率增大,燃烧产生的烟气总量增加,而分布式排烟集气管对热烟气的吸收却很快达到饱和状态,此时排出的热烟气总量并没有显著增加,而燃烧产生的热烟气总量却增大了,因此排烟效率随着火源热释放速率的增加而减小;同时,在排烟速率相同、排烟管宽高比不同的条件下,由于在火源热释放速率较小时侧向排烟口排放的热烟气尚未达到饱和,因此排烟效率有较明显的差异,随着火源热释放速率的增加,此时侧向排烟口的排烟量达到饱和,即此时的排烟量与火源产生的总热烟气趋于相同,因此排烟效率随着火源热释放速率的增大而趋于一致,此时排烟管的宽高比不再是影响排烟效率的主要因素,应考虑增加分布式排烟管的数量以提升排烟效果。(3)通过对比传统侧向排烟的排烟效率,加装“分布式排烟管”后,侧向排烟效率最高能提升4.3倍(火源热释放速率为10 MW、排烟速率为8 m/s、排烟集气装置的宽高比为1∶2),最低也能够提升了0.5倍。根据幂函数拟合得到排烟管宽高比与侧向排烟效率提升率之间的函数关系。排烟效率的提升率随着侧向排烟口宽高比的增加而逐渐减小,最后收敛于某一极限值。数据表明,当宽高比大于2∶1时,提升率已经非常接近极限值;而宽高比为2∶1时,虽有最大提升率,但会影响隧道净空高度。综合经济性与实用性等因素以及本研究成果,集气管的宽高比设置为1∶1是较佳的设计方案。

Abstract: To further improve the lateral smoke exhaust efficiency of tunnel fire, taking the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge submarine immersed tube tunnel as the research object, FDS numerical simulation software is used to carry out isometric modeling. Set the heat release rate of the fire source to 10, 20, 50 MW, the smoke exhaust rate to 4, 6, 8, 10 m/s, and the aspect ratio to 1:2, 1:1, 2:1, 3:1, a total of 48 sets of the scenarios. Install the "side by side distributed smoke exhaust pipe" at each side exhaust vent, the influence of the aspect ratio of the side-by-side distribution smoke exhaust pipe and the heat release rate(HRR) of the fire source on the smoke exhaust efficiency is explained through control variate method, and analyze the influence of the aspect ratio of this pipe on the improvement rate of the lateral smoke exhaust efficiency. The results show that: (1)Under the condition of the same exhaust rate when the aspect ratio of this pipe is small and the aspect ratio increases from 1:2 to 2:1, the vertical interception range of smoke decreases, and the exhaust efficiency gradually decrease. At this time, the amount of smoke absorbed dominates the exhaust efficiency. When the aspect ratio of this pipe is large, and the aspect ratio is increased from 2:1 to 3:1, the pipe becomes flattered making the exhaust efficiency gradually increase. At this time, the concentration of the smoke absorbed dominates the exhaust efficiency. Therefore, the laterals moke exhaust efficiency first decreases and then increases with the increase of the aspect ratio of this pipe and the minimum value is obtained when the aspect ratio is 2:1.(2)Under the same conditions of smoke exhaust rate and aspect ratio of the pipe, the total amount of smoke generated by combustion increases with the increase of the HRR, while the smoke absorption of the pipe quickly reaches the saturated state, the smoke absorbed by the pipe does not increase significantly, but the total amount of smoke generated by combustion increases, so the exhaust efficiency decreases with the increase of the HRR; Furthermore, under the conditions of the same smoke exhaust rate and different aspect ratios of the pipes, since the smoke absorbed by the pipe has not reached saturation when the HRR is small, there are obvious differences in the exhaust efficiency corresponding to the different aspect ratio. With the increase of the HRR, the smoke exhaust volume of the pipe reaches saturation at this time. Both of the smoke absorbed by the pipe and the total amount of smoke generated by combustion tend to be the same, thus making the smoke extraction efficiency tend to be consistent with the increase of the HRR. In this case, the aspect ratio of the pipe is no longer the main factor affecting the exhaust efficiency, and it should be considered to increase the number of pipes to improve the exhaust efficiency substantially. (3)By comparing the smoke extraction efficiency of the original lateral smoke exhaust system, the lateral smoke exhaust efficiency can be increased by a maximum of 4.3 times after the “distributed smoke exhaust pipe” is installed (the HRR is 10 MW, the smoke exhaust rate is 8 m/s, and the aspect ratio of the pipe is 1:2), and the minimum can be increased by 0.5 times. According to the power function fitting, the functional relationship between the aspect ratio and the improvement rate of the lateral exhaust efficiency is obtained. The improvement rate of smoke extraction efficiency gradually decreases with the increase of the aspect ratio, and finally converges to a certain limit value. The data show that when the aspect ratio is greater than 2:1, the improvement rate is very close to the limit. Although there is a maximum improvement rate when the aspect ratio is 2:1, it will affect the tunnel headroom. Considering economy and practicality, setting the aspect ratio to 1:1 is an optimized design solution.

Key words: side-by-side distribution smoke exhaust pipe, aspect ratio, smoke exhaust efficiency, CO mass flow rate, numerical simulation