ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (4): 444-447.

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杨鑫燕,王世栩,陆永丽,忻 龙   

  1. (上海市质量监督检验技术研究院 电子电器家用电器质量检验所,上海 201114)
  • 出版日期:2022-04-15 发布日期:2022-04-15
  • 作者简介:杨鑫燕(1989-),女,山西太原人,上海市质量监督检验技术研究院电子电器家用电器质量检验所安全检验室,工程师,硕士,主要从事火灾自动报警产品性能检测工作,上海市闵行区江月路900号4号楼,201114。
  • 基金资助:

Effect of toluene content on the fire smoke characteristic of n-heptane fire

YANG Xin-yan, WANG Shi-xu, LU Yong-li, XIN Long   

  1. (Institute of Quality Inspection of Electronics and Electrical Appliance, Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research, Shanghai 201114, China)
  • Online:2022-04-15 Published:2022-04-15

摘要: 工程应用中,受限于建造标准火灾燃烧实验室的基建条件,相同试验参数的正庚烷试验火产烟方面特性存在差异。实验基于特定试验条件,测试了甲苯溶液体积占比分别为3.1%、8.1%、13.1%的3组试验火产烟特性,通过数学拟合方法研究了烟雾浓度m值与试验时间的比值曲线及m值与y值的比值曲线的变化规律。结果显示,通过增加甲苯含量,能够定量提升烟雾的释放速率,但曲线线性度随之变差。有效试验火产烟特性的调节,燃料中甲苯配比调节量的上、下限分别受到产烟特性曲线线性度及烟雾释放速率的约束。

Abstract: In engineering applications, the same content of fuel may not lead to uniform results in order to obtain the standard effective test fire, depending on the infrastructure conditions of the standard fire test room. Based on the specific test conditions, experimental research was carried out on the change of the linearity of the fire smoke characteristic curve caused by different toluene contents, and the volume ratio of toluene solution was 3.1%, 8.1% ,13.1%, respectively. The change law and the linearity of the ratio curve of m value to test time and m value to y value were obtained. The results show that by increasing the toluene content, the rate of smoke release could be quantitatively increased, and the linearity of the smoke characteristic curve becomes worse. For achieving the effective test of the smoke characteristics, the upper and lower limits of the toluene ratio in the fuel are limited by the linearity of the characteristic curve and the rate of smoke release.

Key words: n-heptane fire, standard fire test room, effective, m-t curve, toluene content