ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2022, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 279-281.

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刘义祥1,李 阳1,刘 彬2   

  1. (1.中国人民警察大学,河北 廊坊 065000;2.衡水市消防救援支队,河北 衡水 053000)
  • 出版日期:2022-02-15 发布日期:2022-02-15
  • 作者简介:刘义祥(1970-),河北南皮人,中国人民警察大学副校长,教授,主要从事火灾调查和火灾物证鉴定技术教学和科研工作,河北省廊坊市安次区西昌路220号,065000。

Quantitative analysis of the metallographic of Cu+Cu2O eutectic in copper wire short circuit molten beads

LIU Yi-xiang1, LI Yang1, LIU Bin2   

  1. (1. China People's Police University, Hebei Langfang 065000, China; 2. Hengshui Fire and Rescue Division, Hebei Hengshui 053000, China)
  • Online:2022-02-15 Published:2022-02-15

摘要: 通过模拟短路条件制备铜导线短路熔痕,对短路熔痕中共晶体进行了金相分析和定量研究。研究发现,铜导线一、二次短路熔痕共晶体组织特征具有一定区别,短路喷溅熔珠中共晶体含量分别为15.28%、5.10%,远远超过同短路类型线端熔痕中0.33%、0.19%的共晶体含量。通过对比短路熔痕中共晶体微观组织与含量大小,可以鉴别铜导线短路熔痕种类,其中喷溅熔痕的特征较明显。

关键词: 短路熔痕, 喷溅熔珠, 共晶体, 定量金相

Abstract: The molten beads of copper wire is prepared by simulated short circuit, and the metallographic phase and quantitative analysis of Cu+Cu2O eutectic is studied. It is found that the metallographic phase of Cu+Cu2O eutectic is different in primary and second molten beads. The content of Cu+Cu2O eutectic in primary spatter molten beads is 15.28% , where it is 5.10% in second spatter molten beads. But the content of the primary molten beads on wire is 0.33%, and 0.19% in second molten bead on wire. The short circuit molten bead can be distinguished by the metallographic phase and content of eutectic, and it is more evidently in spatter molten beads.

Key words: short circuit molten beads, spatter molten beads, Cu+Cu2O eutectic, quantitative analysis of metallographic