ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (12): 1747-1750.

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蔡 路1,郝爱玲2,郭 伟2   

  1. (1.北京市消防救援总队,北京 100035;2.应急管理部天津消防研究所,天津 300381)
  • 出版日期:2021-12-15 发布日期:2021-12-15
  • 作者简介:蔡 路(1979-),男,辽宁阜新人,北京市消防救援总队119指挥中心副主任,专业技术二级指挥长,硕士,主要从事消防灭火救援工作,北京市西城区西直门南小街1号,100035。
  • 基金资助:

Fire separation problems in the process of protective exploitation of historical and cultural blocks

CAI Lu1, HAO Ai-ling2, GUO Wei2   

  1. (1. Beijing Fire and Rescue Brigade, Beijing 100035, China; 2. Tianjin Fire Science and Technology Research Institute of MEM, Tianjin 300381, China)
  • Online:2021-12-15 Published:2021-12-15

摘要: 为了解决历史文化街区保护性开发建设过程中建筑新建或修缮改造所面临的防火间距设置要求问题,选择某历史文化街区内3类典型建筑形式,利用FDS对防火间距分别为2.0、2.5、4.0、6.0 m条件下相邻建筑外墙所受的最大热辐射强度进行模拟计算。结果表明,间距为4.0 m时,辐射热流密度可达到或接近易燃家具的引燃辐射热流密度值;间距为6.0 m时,辐射热流密度小于可燃物的引燃辐射热流密度值。在此基础上,结合相关规范条文分析和实际项目改造要求,分别考虑外墙上不开口、开口错开,设置防火门窗和(或)设置喷淋系统等不同技术措施,提出历史文化街区内新建建筑之间、新建建筑与改造建筑、既有建筑间的防火间距的设置要求。

关键词: 历史文化街区, 修缮改造, 建筑防火, 防火间距

Abstract: To solve the problems of the fire separation distance between new buildings, retrofit buildings and existing buildings in historical and cultural blocks, 3 typical building was selected to simulate the highest heat radiation intensity of adjacent building by FDS. The fire separation distance was 2.0,2.5,4.0,6.0 m. The results showed that when the spacing is 4.0 m, the radiant heat flux can reach or close to the ignite radiant heat flux of flammable furniture. When the spacing is 6.0 m, the radiant heat flux is lower than the ignite radiant heat flux of flammable furniture. On this basis, combined with the analysis of relevant code provisions and the requirements of the practical project, different technical measures such as no opening and staggered opening on the outer wall, setting fire doors and windows and / or setting sprinkler system are considered respectively, and correspondingly the fire separation requirements between new buildings, new buildings and reconstructed buildings, and existing buildings in historical and cultural blocks are suggested.

Key words: historical and cultural blocks, restoration and reconstruction, building fire protection, fire separation distance