ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (11): 1695-1698.

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  1. (1. 北京市地铁运营有限公司机电分公司,北京 100043;2. 北京航天常兴科技发展股份有限公司,北京102600; 3. 中国消防协会,北京100021)
  • 出版日期:2021-11-15 发布日期:2021-11-15
  • 作者简介:邢国新(1977-),北京市地铁运营有限公司机电分公司经理,高级工程师,主要从事地铁机电设备专业维修,北京市石景山区古城北路地铁公司机电段,100043。

Application of pyrolytic particle electric fire detector in subway

XING Guo-xin1, ZHAO Hai-long2,WU Zhi-qiang3   

  1. 1. Electromechanical Branch of Beijing Metro Operation Co., Ltd., Beijing 100043, China; 2. Beijing Aerospace Changxing Technology Development Co., Ltd., Beijing 102600, China; 3. China Fire protection Association, Beijing 100021, China
  • Online:2021-11-15 Published:2021-11-15

摘要: 介绍了地铁电气火灾发生的主要原因及早期监控对预防地铁电气火灾发生的必要性,提出针对地铁环境的热解粒子式电气火灾监测技术,并就DT-300/RJ型火灾探测器在地铁中的应用进行了研究分析。研究表明,该型探测器可减少地铁电气火灾的误报、漏报,完善电气火灾监控系统,保证地铁电气设备的安全可靠运行。

关键词: 地铁, 电气火灾, 热解粒子, 火灾探测器

Abstract: This paper introduced the main causes of subway electrical fire and the necessity of early monitoring to prevent subway electrical fire, put forward the pyrolytic particle electrical fire monitoring technology in subway, and studied and analyzed the application of DT-300/RJ fire detector in subway. The research shows that the detector can reduce the false alarm and missing alarm of subway electrical fire, improve the electrical fire monitoring system, and ensure the safe and reliable operation of subway electrical equipment.

Key words: subway, electrical fire, pyrolysis particles, fire detector