ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 1534-1538.

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刘春迎,辛 颖   

  1. 东北林业大学 工程技术学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040
  • 出版日期:2021-10-15 发布日期:2021-10-15
  • 作者简介:刘春迎(1996-),男,山东临沂人,东北林业大学工程技术学院硕士研究生,主要从事森林消防工程研究,黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区和兴路26号,150040。
  • 基金资助:

Numerical simulation of litter burning on the surface of Korean pine forest

LIU Chun-ying,XIN Ying   

  1. College of Engineering and Technology, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040, China)
  • Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-10-15

摘要: 采用PyroSim建立红松林地表凋落物层大空间模型,对凋落物层的燃烧温度、热释放速率、烟气浓度等进行数值模拟。取红松林地表凋落物进行试验,探究其燃烧与蔓延过程。结果表明,红松林地表凋落物层燃烧时温度在100~490 ℃;随着高度增加,温度下降幅度由剧烈逐渐趋于平缓;燃烧150 s时,热释放速率HRR达到7.5×105 kW,且有继续上升趋势;燃烧烟气中CO2体积分数达8%~10%;火场内流动风速为2 m/s时,烟气体积分数下降65%左右。凋落物燃烧温度曲线与模拟结果相似,采用PyroSim软件能够近似地模拟红松林地表凋落物层燃烧的过程与发展趋势。

关键词: :红松林, 凋落物层, 温度, HRR, 数值模拟

Abstract: Using PyroSim, a large-space model of the litter layer on the surface of the Korean pine forest was established, and the burning temperature, heat release rate, and smoke concentration of the litter layer were numerically simulated. The litter layer on the surface of the Korean pine forest was tested to explore the burning and spreading process of the litter layer on the surface of the Korean pine forest. The simulation results show that the temperature of litter on the surface of the Korean pine forest is about 100~490 ℃ during burning. With the increase of height, the range of temperature decrease gradually becomes smoother from violent; when burning for 150 s, the heat release rate reaches 7.5105 kW, and there is the upward trend; the CO2 volume, concentration in the flue gas reaches about 8%~10%; when the flowing wind speed in the fire site is 2 m/s, the flue gas concentration drops by about 65%. The experimental results show that the burning temperature curves of litters are similar to the simulation results, and the PyroSim software can reasonably simulate the burning process and development trend of the surface litters of Korean pine forest.

Key words: Korean pine, litter layer of forest, temperature, HRR, numerical simulation