ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (10): 1525-1528.

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杨春梅,王 成,刘九庆,丁禹程   

  1. 东北林业大学 林业与木工机械工程技术中心,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150040
  • 出版日期:2021-10-15 发布日期:2021-10-15
  • 作者简介:杨春梅(1977-),女,黑龙江铁力人,东北林业大学机电工程学院教授,主要从事机械设计、林业智能装备方面的研究,黑龙江省哈尔滨市香坊区哈平六道街6号,150040。
  • 基金资助:

Design and simulation of the telescopic air duct of the crawler forest wind fire extinguisher

YANG Chun-mei, WANG Cheng, LIU Jiu-qing, DING Yu-cheng   

  1. Center for Forestry and Woodworking Machinery Engineering and Technology, Northeast Forestry University, Heilongjiang Harbin 150040, China
  • Online:2021-10-15 Published:2021-10-15

摘要: 为了解决在森林火灾中特定高度的树冠火或者特定程度的地表火灭火难、灭火效率不高的问题,笔者设计了履带式森林风力灭火机。本文对履带式森林风力灭火机的整体结构进行设计,并对其核心组件伸缩风筒进行了理论计算和结构设计。通过对不同形状风筒的仿真,获得了出风口的速度云图,确定了该设计的风筒形状,并通过对该灭火机和6MF-32便携式风力灭火机实际灭火仿真对比,验证了最优的设计参数和可行性。仿真结果表明:本研究可以满足特定高度特定条件下的灭火需求,提高了灭火效率,同时降低了消防人员参与灭火作业时的危险性。

关键词: 风力灭火机, 伸缩风筒, 有限元分析, 结构设计

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of difficulty in extinguishing tree crown fires of a certain height or surface fires of a certain degree and low efficiency of extinguishing in forest fires, the author designed a crawler forest wind fire extinguisher. In this study, the overall structure of the crawler forest wind fire extinguisher was designed, and the core component of the telescopic air duct was theoretically calculated and structured. Through the simulation of different shapes of air ducts, the speed cloud diagram of the air outlet was obtained, and the shape of the air duct of the design was determined. The design was compared with the actual fire extinguishing simulation of the 6MF-32 portable wind fire extinguisher to verify the optimal design parameters. The simulation results show that this study can meet the fire extinguishing requirements under specific heights and specific conditions, greatly improve the efficiency of fire extinguishing, and reduce the risk of firefighters participating in fire fighting operations.

Key words: wind fire extinguisher, telescopic air duct, finite element analysis, structural design