ISSN 1009-0029  CN 12-1311/TU

消防科学与技术 ›› 2021, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9): 1309-1312.

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关文玲,马 玲,王 丽,田洪晨   

  1. 天津理工大学 环境科学与安全工程学院,天津 300384
  • 出版日期:2021-09-15 发布日期:2021-09-15
  • 作者简介:关文玲(1978-),女,陕西渭南人,天津理工大学环境科学与安全工程学院副教授,博士,主要从事安全风险及应急管理研究,天津市西青区李七庄街道宾水西道391号,300384。

Mixed evacuation strategies of high-rise office building fire

GUAN Wen-ling, MA Ling, WANG Li, TIAN Hong-chen   

  1. School of Environmental Science and Safety Engineering, Tianjin University of Technology, Tianjin 300384, China
  • Online:2021-09-15 Published:2021-09-15

摘要: 选取某高层写字楼进行实例研究,利用PyroSim进行火灾模拟,计算25层走廊着火时的可用安全疏散时间,运用Pathfinder建立人员紧急疏散模型,分析混合疏散策略对疏散效率的影响。结果表明:相比温度、CO体积分数,能见度到达人员安全疏散界限的时间更短。25层走廊着火时,最不利条件下着火层可用安全疏散时间为319.1 s。楼梯疏散、楼梯电梯混合疏散所需安全疏散时间分别为526.3、427.9 s,均不满足安全疏散条件。楼梯、电梯及避难层混合疏散所需安全疏散时间为294.2 s。楼梯、楼梯电梯混合疏散整栋楼分别用时2 618、2 289 s。楼梯、电梯与避难层混合疏散整栋楼用时1 796 s。因此,高层建筑火灾时,楼梯、电梯与避难层混合疏散效率更高,更安全。研究结果为制定高层写字楼火灾应急疏散预案提供依据。

关键词: 高层写字楼, 混合疏散, PyroSim, Pathfinder, 安全性分析

Abstract: A high-rise office building was selected as the research object, and a fire diffusion model was established by using PyroSim to calculate the available safe evacuation time when the 25-story corridor catches fire. The Pathfinder was used to establish an evacuation model and calculate the required safe evacuation time. The influence of mixed evacuation strategy on evacuation efficiency are analyzed. The results show that: Compared with temperature and CO concentration, the time for visibility to reach the safe evacuation limit is shorter. When the 25th floor corridor is on fire, the available safe evacuation time of the fire floor under the most unfavorable conditions is 319.1 s. The required safe evacuation time of stair evacuation strategy and the mixed evacuation strategy of stairs and elevators is 526.3 and 427.9 s respectively, which do not meet the safe evacuation conditions. The required safe evacuation time of the mixed evacuation strategy of stairs, elevators and refuge floors is 294.2 s. It takes 2 618 and 2 289 s to evacuate the whole building with stairs strategy and the mixed evacuation strategy of stairs and elevators. It takes 1 796 s to evacuate the whole building by mixing the stair, elevator and the refuge floors. Therefore, it is more efficient and safer to use the mixed evacuation strategy of stairs, elevators and refuge floors in high-rise building fire. The research results provide a basis for formulating emergency evacuation plans for high-rise office buildings.

Key words: high-rise office building, mixed evacuation, PyroSim, Pathfinder, security analysis